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Diseases and Conditions

Recommended Links

Arthritis in Canada Public Health Agency of Canada

Access the complete version of a book entitled Arthritis in Canada: An Ongoing Challenge.

Asthma Public Health Agency of Canada

Access a document about asthma, one of the most prevalent chronic conditions affecting Canadians.

Blood Safety Surveillance and Health Care Acquired Infections Public Health Agency of Canada

Link to the organization that works to reduce the risk of bloodborne pathogens and biological injuries caused by blood transfusions and tissue and organ transplantations.

Breast Cancer Health Canada

Learn how you can lower your risk of developing breast cancer or dying from it by medical screening and by minimizing lifestyle and environmental risk factors.

Breast Cancer in Canada Public Health Agency of Canada

Read about trends in breast cancer incidence rates and discover the current methods of prevention.

Cardiovascular Disease Surveillance On-Line Health Canada

Find the most current available statistics on cardiovascular disease Canada. Look at trends for cardiovascular disease by province and territory, by age group and over time.

Cervical Cancer in Canada Public Health Agency of Canada

Access information on cervical cancer. View graphs that map trends and learn about primary and secondary prevention.

Changing Face of Heart Disease and Stroke in Canada Public Health Agency of Canada

Access the executive summary of The Changing Face of Heart Disease and Stroke in Canada, or link to the pdf version of the full document.

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) / Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD) Public Health Agency of Canada

Read about Creutzfeldt-Jakob, a rare disease that affects the central nervous system, which is linked to eating contaminated beef products from animals infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or "mad-cow disease."

Diabetes Health Canada

Learn about diabetes, a lifelong condition where either the body does not produce enough insulin, or the body cannot use the insulin it produces.

Diabetes in Canada Public Health Agency of Canada

Access the complete text of Diabetes in Canada, including information on prevalence, risk factors and health outcomes.

Diseases and Conditions Health Canada

Find information on disease surveillance and statistics as well as disease prevention and control programs.

Diseases and Conditions - Biotechnology Industry Canada

Discover the important role of biotechnology in the treatment, prevention and diagnosis of several diseases and conditions, including cancer, multiple sclerosis, infertility and spinal cord injury.

E. Coli Public Health Agency of Canada

Link to resources on E. Coli, such as articles, statistics and reports.

Flesh-eating Disease Health Canada

Learn about necrotizing fasciitis, also called flesh-eating disease, a rare but very serious disease that can lead to death.

Flu Watch Public Health Agency of Canada

Access reports, produced weekly during influenza season and biweekly in the off season, that summarize influenza surveillance activities in Canada.

Genital herpes Health Canada

Learn about genital herpes, a sexually transmitted infection that causes painful sores on and around the genitals.

Giardia and Cryptosporidium in Drinking Water Health Canada

An explanation of the giardia and cryptosporidium parasites, responsible for giarchiasis (beaver fever) and cryptosporidiosis. Steps for disease prevention and treatment are given.

Gonorrhea Health Canada

Find information on the symptoms and treatment of gonorrhea, a common sexually transmitted infection which, if not treated early, can cause serious health problems.

Gonorrhea Resurgence in Canada Public Health Agency of Canada

Read about factors that may contribute to changes in the rates of people infected by gonorrhea.

Guidelines for the Control of Diphtheria in Canada Public Health Agency of Canada

Link to the complete text of Guidelines for the Control of Diphtheria in Canada.

Healthy Heart Kit Health Canada

Discover information on factors leading to heart disease, such as smoking, physical inactivity and high blood pressure.

Heart and Stroke Health Canada

Learn about cardiovascular and heart disease, the number one killer in Canada.

Hepatitis Health Canada

Learn about viral hepatitis, a group of diseases of the liver that can be caused by consuming contaminated water or food, using dirty needles or syringes, or practising unsafe sex.

Hepatitis B Public Health Agency of Canada

Learn about Hepatitis B, an infection of the liver caused by a virus that can result in permanent liver disease and cancer of the liver.

Hepatitis C Health Canada

Find information on Hepatitis C, an infectious virus that is carried in the blood and causes inflammation of the liver.

HIV and AIDS Health Canada

Learn about HIV, a virus that is a precursor to the development of AIDS, a disease that attacks the body’s immune system.

HIV and AIDS Health Canada

Access several resources on HIV and AIDS, such as information on how it is transmitted, incidence and reports.

HIV and AIDS in Canada - Surveillance Reports Public Health Agency of Canada

Read the main findings observed in the HIV and AIDS surveillance data for Canada.

HIV/AIDS Epi Update Series Public Health Agency of Canada

Link to the Epi Updates, which are compiled on an annual basis to summarize recent trends and developments related to the HIV epidemic in Canada.

Human Papillomovirus Health Canada

Find information on HPV, or Human Papillomovirus, a virus linked to incidence of cancer, that is spread through sex or close skin-to-skin, genital area contact with someone who is infected.

Infectious Diseases News Brief Public Health Agency of Canada

Access the Infectious Diseases News Brief, a weekly digest of national and international information about communicable disease incidents and issues.

Influenza (Flu) Health Canada

Read about influenza, also known as the flu, which is a common respiratory illness affecting millions of Canadians each year.

It's Your Health - Diseases Health Canada

Find fact sheets on 32 diseases, from asthma to whooping cough. Each fact sheet has background information, details about health effects, and tips on how to minimize personal risk.

Malaria Public Health Agency of Canada

Access information on malaria, an acute flu-like illness most commonly transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito.

Meningococcal Disease Public Health Agency of Canada

Find information on meningococcal infection, caused by a bacterium that, in rare instances, overcomes the body's natural defences and cause serious diseases, including meningitis.

Notifiable Diseases Monthly Report Public Health Agency of Canada

Link to the Notifiable Diseases Monthly Report to access information on several different types of diseases.

Notifiable Diseases Online Public Health Agency of Canada

Create maps of Canada showing the number of reported cases and rates of infection for selected notifiable diseases.

Osteoporosis Public Health Agency of Canada

Read about osteoporosis, a disease in which bone loss occurs more rapidly than is natural, causing the bones to become very thin and weak over time.

Ovarian Cancer in Canada Public Health Agency of Canada

Find information on ovarian cancer, including trends, risk factors, early detection, prevention and treatment.

Parkinson's disease Public Health Agency of Canada

Find information on Parkinson’s disease, a chronic progressive disorder of the central nervous system characterized by tremors and rigidity.

Persistent Diarrhea in the Returned Traveller Public Health Agency of Canada

Find information on diarrhea, the most common affliction of travellers to developing countries.

Pertussis (Whooping Cough): National Consensus Conference on Pertussis Public Health Agency of Canada

Link to the complete text of National Consensus Conference on Pertussis.

Preventing Skin Cancer Health Canada

Learn the simple but important steps you can take to reduce your risk of getting skin cancer.

Prostate Cancer: Monograph Series on Aging-related Diseases Public Health Agency of Canada

Access detailed information on prostate cancer, including risk factors, diagnosis and graphs of trends.

Respiratory Disease in Canada Public Health Agency of Canada

Read the summary and key points of a report entitled Respiratory Disease in Canada.

Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations in Canada Public Health Agency of Canada

Link to the Respiratory Virus Detection Surveillance System, which reports on respiratory virus incidences in Canada.

SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) Health Canada

Link to information about SARS, including updates, frequently asked questions, fact sheets and news releases.

Screening for Cervical Cancer Health Canada

Find out how cervical cancer can, for the most part, be avoided or easily treated with regular screening.

Screening for Colorectal Cancer Health Canada

Find information on colorectal cancer as well as tips for its prevention.

Syphilis Health Canada

Learn about syphilis, a bacterial infection that is transmitted through oral, genital or anal sex with an infected person.

Trichomonas or "Trich" Public Health Agency of Canada

Read about trichomonas, a germ that can be spread during sex that affects women and their babies.

Tuberculosis Health Canada

Find information on tuberculosis, such as how the disease is transmitted, risk factors and how to minimize transmission.

Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Public Health Agency of Canada

Learn about tuberculosis, a disease caused by bacteria that belong to a group of organisms known as Mycobacterium.

West Nile Virus Public Health Agency of Canada

Link to information on West Nile virus, which mosquitoes transmit after becoming infected by feeding on the blood of birds carrying the virus.

West Nile Virus Monitor Public Health Agency of Canada

Access surveillance data and maps on the incidence of West Nile Virus in Canada.

Whooping Cough (Pertussis) Health Canada

Find information on whooping cough, the common name for Pertussis, which is a highly contagious infection of the respiratory tract.

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