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Earthquakes Canada

About the causes of the earthquakes and the hazards associated with earthquakes in Canada.

Geodynamics Program Natural Resources Canada

Information on contemporary movements of the Earth's crust, for the study of earthquake hazard and global change.

If the Earth Could Talk Natural Resources Canada

Find out what the Earth might say if it could talk! Learn about volcanoes, glaciers, mining and more.

Marine Geoscience Natural Resources Canada

Presents a variety of marine geoscience activities. Projects include the Georgia Basin Geohazards initiative, Sponge Reef project, Gas Hydrate studies, Marine Hydrogeology studies and the Geological Survey of Canada Expedition Database.

Request for Earthquake Information from the Public Natural Resources Canada

Did you feel it? Help seismologists determine how your area may respond to future earthquakes by contributing intensity information on the earthquakes you experience.

Volcanoes of Canada Natural Resources Canada

About volcanoes, of which Canada has examples of almost every type. Although none are erupting now many have the potential to erupt in the near future.

EarthNet Natural Resources Canada

Teachers, find a variety of earth sciences resources, including experiments, information on the geology of various communities and a glossary.

Geomagnetism Natural Resources Canada

Learn about the Earth's magnetic field -- or geomagnetic field -- an ever-changing phenomenon that influences human activity and the natural world in a myriad of ways.

Meteorite Identification Natural Resources Canada

Learn about meteorites, rocks that have fallen from space, and discover how they are distinguished from Earth rocks.

National Permafrost Database Natural Resources Canada

Baseline data and monitoring activities concerning permafrost which record temperature, thickness and layer characteristics.

North Magnetic Pole Natural Resources Canada

Describes the North Magnetic Pole, its movement across the Canadian Arctic, the earth’s magnetic field and the history of expeditions to the Pole.

What is Geodesy? Natural Resources Canada

Explains geodesy, how the size and shape of the earth is measured.

National Gravity Program Natural Resources Canada

Gravity is measured because it is not constant around the world. The gravitational pull originates at the centre of the earth and is stronger at lower altitudes and the north and south poles than at the equator and higher altitudes.

Age of Rocks – Atlas of Canada Natural Resources Canada

Explore Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn about the history of the formation of the earth and when various areas of Canada were formed, as shown by layering of rock.

Canada's Minerals and Metals: Key Facts Natural Resources Canada

Read several key facts about minerals and metals in Canada, from global, local and economic perspectives.

Cordilleran Geoscience Natural Resources Canada

Explore the geoscience of the Canadian Cordillera, the name for the mountains of western Canada and the submerged regions on the continental shelf and slope.

Deformation of the Sudbury Structure Natural Resources Canada

Efforts to understand the origin of the major mineral occurrences at Sudbury can help us understand the potential of other impact craters in Canada and elsewhere.

Diamond Mining Natural Resources Canada

Learn how Ekati, Canada's first diamond mine, is being energy-efficient and reducing greenhouse gas emissions while improving its bottom line (text and video).

Experimental Mines Natural Resources Canada

Visit a former working mine that is now dedicated to research for developing and testing safe, cost-effective mining equipment and systems (text and video).

Formation of Diamonds Natural Resources Canada

Discover how diamonds are formed. Read a text explanation or view a video that demonstrates the process.

Geological Provinces – Atlas of Canada Natural Resources Canada

Explore Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn about the shield, platforms, orogens and continental shelves that make up Canada’s geological provinces, characterized by rocks and structures of varying types and ages.

Georgia Basin Geohazards Initiative Natural Resources Canada

Explore the Georgia Basin and learn about the project that provides the geoscientific knowledge necessary for effective decision making on environmental and resource management issues in this area.

Glaciers and Icefields – Atlas of Canada Natural Resources Canada

Review Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn about glaciers and icefields, huge masses of ice that cover 200 000 square kilometers or 2% of Canada’s area.

Life of a Rock Star Library and Archives Canada

Read stories of Canada's geologists, chemists, paleontologists and botanists. Learn how the first Geological Survey of Canada team was formed and find out how the study of rocks has developed over time.

Main Minerals and Metals Produced in Canada Natural Resources Canada

Learn about the many different minerals and metals produced in Canada, including gold, nickel, and salt. Discover where they are found and how they are mined or otherwise accessed.

Major Earthquakes – Atlas of Canada Natural Resources Canada

Explore Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn about Canada’s past earthquakes, the rapid shaking of the earth’s surface that follows the sudden release of energy within the earth.

Meteorite and Impacts Advisory Committee to the Canadian Space Agency Meteorite and Impacts Advisory Committee to the Canadian Space Agency

Read about the Meteorite and Impacts Advisory Committee. View images and descriptions to learn about meteorites in Canada and around the world.

Minerals and Metals - Students and Teachers Natural Resources Canada

A listing of educational resources on the minerals and metals sector.

Minerals and Mining Statistics On-Line Natural Resources Canada

Find statistical information on mineral production, exploration, trade and use. Access Canadian mining facts, a minerals yearbook, publications and interactive maps.

Mining and the Environment Natural Resources Canada

Read about the modern challenge for mining companies to find, extract and process mineral and metal resources with the least possible disruption to the ecosystem.

Mining Innovations Natural Resources Canada

Learn how science and technology support the innovations that create the “modern face of mining.”

Rehabilitation of Mine Sites Natural Resources Canada

Learn about the environmental impacts of abandoned mines and how geochemistry can improve the management of mine by-products and waste.

Research and Innovation Natural Resources Canada

Access research information on mining, mineral science and explosives. Read about mine environment and materials technologies.

Rock Categories – Atlas of Canada Natural Resources Canada

Review Atlas of Canada information and maps to find out how rocks are formed through igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic processes, depending on differences in texture, composition and bedding characteristics.

Start a Mine Natural Resources Canada

Explore the wilderness and test your luck at prospecting!

Surficial Materials – Atlas of Canada Natural Resources Canada

Review Atlas of Canada information and maps to discover how glaciers affect the location and form of the unconsolidated material on the earth’s surface.

Targeted Geoscience Initiative Natural Resources Canada

Find out how this initiative stimulates sustainable economic development across Canada by increasing the level and effectiveness of private sector exploration for energy and mineral resources.

Urban Geology of the National Capital Area Natural Resources Canada

A pilot project aimed at developing methodologies and standards for sound urban planning.

Volcanoes – Atlas of Canada Natural Resources Canada

Explore Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn about volcanoes and the distribution of the main volcanic complexes in Canada and around the world.

Welcome to the Minerals and Metals Sector Natural Resources Canada

Discover Canada’s minerals and metals. Access mining and mineral technology publications and link to information for teachers, students and job seekers.

World Minerals Geoscience Database Project Natural Resources Canada

Geoscience data sets that can be used in conjunction with GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and database software to help understand the broad relationships between global tectonics and the regional settings of mineral deposits.

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