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Recommended Links

Canada From Space Natural Resources Canada

View pictures, taken from space, of select areas across Canada. Identify landmarks such as rivers, forests and even golf courses!

Cospas-Sarsat: Satellites helping keep Canadians safe Industry Canada

Learn about Canada’s role in the development of an international satellite system that helps save lives by providing alert and location information to search-and-rescue services throughout the world.

James Webb Space Telescope, Successor to Hubble Canadian Space Agency

Follow the development of a major space observatory, the James Web Space Telescope, as Canada contributes to the international effort to launch this telescope in 2013.

MOST (Microvariability and Oscillations of STars) Canadian Space Agency

Learn about MOST, a Canadian project to create an astronomical space telescope capable of measuring the ages of stars in our galaxy and perhaps even unlocking mysteries of the universe itself.

National Satellite Initiative Industry Canada

Find information on the National Satellite Initiative and discover how your community can participate.

RADARSAT-1 Canadian Space Agency

Learn about a sophisticated Earth observation satellite, RADARSAT-1, launched in 1995 and capable of taking pictures of Earth at any time of day, in any weather.

RADARSAT-2 Canadian Space Agency

Watch the progress of RADARSAT-2, a radar satellite that is due to launch in summer 2007.

Satellites Canadian Space Agency

Learn about the three types of satellites - earth-observation, communications and scientific - and see Canadian examples of each type. The site provides virtual tours, image galleries and background detail for each satellite.

The Herschel Space Observatory Canadian Space Agency

Prepare to learn about the evolution of galaxies with this observatory! It will have three sensitive scientific instruments and is scheduled to launch in 2008.

Go to the Governement of Canada Web Site

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