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SafeCanada.ca - Public Safety Portal Government of Canada

Link to authoritative safety information in a variety of areas, including transportation, internet, environment, national security, and health.

Defence Research Reports Defence Research and Development Canada

Access a database of scientific and technical research documents produced by and for Defence Research & Development Canada over the past 50 years.

CRC: Safeguarding Canada's Networks Industry Canada

Discover how the Communications Research Centre Canada (CRC) is making communications networks in Canada — and around the world — more secure.

Centre for Emergency Preparedness and Response Public Health Agency of Canada

Visit Canada's central coordinating point for responding to public health security issues, including natural events and disasters and accidents or criminal and terrorist acts involving explosives, chemicals, radioactive substances or biological threats.

Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Research and Technology Initiative (CRTI) Government of Canada

Understand Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Research, a key Canadian science issue, through this overview article and relevant Web sites. Find information on how science and technology are being used for counter-terrorism and national security research.

Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNE) Research and Technology Initiative (CRTI) Defence Research and Development Canada

Learn about the federal science community's response and commitment to providing science solutions to counter terrorism and safeguard national security.

Code Breaker Natural Resources Canada

Challenge your mind to see how many secret codes you can decipher within 90 seconds. Part of the Science.gc.ca Arcade.

Cospas-Sarsat: Satellites helping keep Canadians safe Industry Canada

Learn about Canada’s role in the development of an international satellite system that helps save lives by providing alert and location information to search-and-rescue services throughout the world.

CRTI: Science for a Secure Canada Defence Research and Development Canada

Watch this video to meet the scientists and experts who are collaborating to protect Canada from security threats.

Defence R&D Canada – Atlantic – Research and Technologies Defence Research and Development Canada

Read about research areas of Defence Research and Development Canada, Atlantic, including underwater sensing and countermeasures as well as shipboard command and control.

Defence R&D Canada – Research Centres Defence Research and Development Canada

Find information on the agency within the Department of National Defence that conducts leading-edge science and technology research.

Environmental Emergencies Program Environment Canada

Learn how this program’s scientific research plays an important role in preventing environmental emergencies and minimizing harmful impacts when they do occur.

Multi-Mission Effects Vehicle (MMEV) Defence Research and Development Canada

Watch this video to see a new military vehicle that incorporates the latest in battlefield technology.

National DNA Databank Government of Canada

Read about the National DNA Data Bank, a science and technology tool in the field of modern law enforcement.

National Microbiology Laboratory Public Health Agency of Canada

Visit Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory, the world's first to accommodate both human and animal health facilities at the highest level of biocontainment under one roof.

Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada (PSEPC) Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada

Explore the activities of the organization responsible for public safety and emergency preparedness in Canada.

Radiation Protection Bureau Health Canada

Find information about a program responsible for the investigation, communication and reduction of health risks to Canadians from exposure to ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.

The Maritime Sensor Integration Experiment (MARSIE) Defence Research and Development Canada

Watch this video to see a simulated incursion scenario conducted off the coast of Nova Scotia to test surveillance technologies.

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