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Recommended Links

State of the Environment (SOE) Infobase Environment Canada

This site provides easy access to federal State of Environment Reports, environmental indicators, ecozone information and other environmental information tools.

Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency

Access information from the agency responsible for providing Canadians with environmental assessments, including how they are done. Find publications and information on training opportunities.

Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines Environment Canada

Learn about the program responsible for developing Canadian environment quality guidelines in areas such as aquatic life, agricultural water use and soil quality as it relates to human health.

Climate Change – Atlas of Canada Natural Resources Canada

Review Atlas of Canada information and maps to look at a geographical perspective of climate change and discover why changes in climate have become a global issue of concern.

Earthtones - Teacher's Guides Government of Canada

Watch the video, then use the lesson plan in the classroom! These 20 Earthtones videos cover a wide variety of environmental topics - like alternative fuels, DDT, ice cores and wheat breeding - and each has a custom lesson plan.

Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network Environment Canada

Review the results of a pilot project to develop a standardized approach to community-based ecological monitoring in Canada.

Energy and Sustainable Development Natural Resources Canada

Read about Natural Resources Canada's efforts towards sustainable development and the use of the nation's energy resources.

Environment - Atlas of Canada Natural Resources Canada

Explore Canada's physical geography in a visual way with these maps. Topics range from ecology to geology to natural hazards.

Environment - Canadian Statistics Statistics Canada

Find news, statistics, and publications relating to the environment in Canada on such topics as air, climate, pollution, waste, environmental protection and natural resources.

Environment Canada Kids Environment Canada

Explore this fun collection of games, quizzes, videos and activities that cover environmental topics like weather, water and wildlife. Flash required.

Environmental Emergencies Program Environment Canada

Learn how this program’s scientific research plays an important role in preventing environmental emergencies and minimizing harmful impacts when they do occur.

Environmental Technology Centre Environment Canada

Find information on environmental protection programs. Explore databases of information on pollution, spills, mapping and more.

EnviroZine Environment Canada

Read articles on a wide range of current environmental issues of interest to Canadians in this online newsmagazine, published monthly.

First Scientists: Ashkui Project Environment Canada

Find out how Innu elders are providing the scientists studying northern ecosystems with insights into effective research subjects (text and video).

Geomatics for Sustainable Development of Natural Resources – Success Stories Natural Resources Canada

Read several success stories relating to the Government of Canada's use of geomatics as a tool for integrating sustainable development.

Green Golfing Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Picture a golf course as a microcosm of the urban environment to find out how waste can keep a fairway green. (Text and video)

Mining and the Environment Natural Resources Canada

Read about the modern challenge for mining companies to find, extract and process mineral and metal resources with the least possible disruption to the ecosystem.

National Parks of Canada - List of National Parks Parks Canada

Use this alphabetical list of all 40 National Parks of Canada to find information about geology, ecology, wildlife, climate, and visitor tips for each park.

National Pollutant Release Inventory Environment Canada

Access a database of information on annual releases of pollutants to air, water and land, plus disposal or recycling from all sectors - industrial, government, commercial and others.

Natural Elements Natural Resources Canada

Learn about the latest issues facing the natural resources sector in Canada in this electronic newsletter.

Parks Canada - Teacher's Corner - Fact Sheets Parks Canada

Find fact sheets on Canada's National Parks, Historic Sites and ecozones, with curriculum information, maps, data and links.

Pollution Prevention - Canadian Success Stories Environment Canada

Read several success stories to learn about the environmental and economic benefits of pollution prevention programs taking place across Canada.

Resources by School Subject: Environment Statistics Canada

Use this extensive list of lesson plans to bring environment statistics into the classroom. For intermediate and secondary school levels.

True to Our Nature Parks Canada

Bring Canada's national parks into your classroom with lesson plans and resources for subjects like geography and natural sciences.

What Is Sustainable Development? Natural Resources Canada

Find information on sustainable development and how it relates to minerals, metals, forests, energy, earth sciences and more.

Your Environment Environment Canada

List of environmental issue links related to air quality, climate, climate change, severe weather and the ozone layer.

Youth and the Environment Environment Canada

Read summaries of important environmental issues, find ways to get involved and access information for young people.

Go to the Governement of Canada Web Site

Common menu bar links


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