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Energy Technologies

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Canada Centre for Minerals and Energy Technology (CANMET) Energy Technology Centre – Varennes Natural Resources Canada

Read about the ways that the Varennes centre works with two industry-related R&D areas, process integration and process engineering, to implement energy efficient technologies in industry.

Natural Resources Canada

About Bioenergy Natural Resources Canada

Access information about bioenergy, produced by the release of stored chemical energy contained in fuels made from biomass, a product of solar energy that is stored by the photosynthetic activity of plants.

Advanced Combustion Technologies Group Natural Resources Canada

Learn how the Advanced Combustion Technologies Group assists industry to develop cleaner, more energy-efficient combustion processes.

Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Atomic Energy Canada Ltd.

Link to information about the nuclear technology and engineering company that designs and develops the CANDU® nuclear power reactor, as well as other advanced energy products and services.

Biodiesel Natural Resources Canada

Discover biodiesel, a new fuel that is better for the environment than gasoline and is made from renewable sources such as soybeans or used french fry oil (text and video).

Bioenergy Industry Canada

Learn about research being done on bioenergy, which could reduce the negative environmental impacts that result when fossil fuels are used to obtain energy.

Buildings Natural Resources Canada

Learn how the Varennes Centre can provide building managers with tools for decreasing energy consumption, improving indoor comfort and reducing building energy and maintenance costs.

Canadian Clean Coal Technology Roadmap Natural Resources Canada

Learn about efforts to develop and implement technologies that can allow coal-fired electricity generating plants to be retrofitted or built so that they produce low to zero emissions.

Canadian CO2 Capture and Storage Technology Network (CCCSTN) Natural Resources Canada

Access information from a network established to respond to increasing interest in the technology to capture and store carbon dioxide in order to reduce emissions.

Canadian Space Agency – Down to Earth Robots Canadian Space Agency

Find out why efficient energy use and energy management systems are considered essential elements of good robotic design.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Capture and Storage Natural Resources Canada

Learn about cutting-edge Government of Canada research at a massive facility in western Canada where carbon dioxide emissions are safely buried underground, protecting the atmosphere (text and video).

Clean Power Natural Resources Canada

Find information on renewable energy, with a focus on solar energy and the photovoltaic technology that produces electricity from sunlight. This site includes success stories, pictures, news and a list of related publications on the topic of solar energy.

Coproducts and Near Coproducts of Fuel Ethanol Fermentation from Grain Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Learn about the fuel ethanol industry and discover how ethanol can be produced from wheat, corn, oats and barley.

Earth and Geothermal Energy Natural Resources Canada

Find information about the two types of energy that can be obtained from the earth, earth energy and geothermal energy.

Energy - The Currency of Space Flight Canadian Space Agency

Learn about the different types of energy that influence bodies as they move through space. Read about the balance between potential and kinetic energy and about gravitational binding energy.

Energy Generation From Agricultural and Municipal Wastes Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Review research projects to develop technologies that generate energy from agricultural and municipal waste.

Energy Technologies for High Temperature Processes Group Natural Resources Canada

Find out what research is being conducted to support Canadian coal producers and ironmakers, in areas including coal injection into blast furnaces, extending the life of coke ovens and improving the quality of coke.

Flaring Efficiency Natural Resources Canada

Discover how Canadian research is helping to improve flaring from drill rigs and refineries to reduce their environmental impacts (text and video).

Fuel Cell Research - NRC Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation National Research Council Canada

Read about the four strategic areas that are the focus of the Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation's research program, that are important in advancing fuel cell science and technology and facilitating the commercialization of fuel cells.

Hibernia Drill Wastes Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Discover how researchers are determining the potential environmental damage caused by offshore oil drilling (text and video).

Hydroelectric Energy Natural Resources Canada

Learn about hydroelectric energy, a renewable energy source dependent upon the hydrologic cycle of water, which involves evaporation, precipitation and the flow of water due to gravity.

Industrial Combustion Sources Environment Canada

Learn how industrial process and manufacturing equipment in Canada uses about 1/3 of all energy consumed by burning oil, natural gas, woodwaste or waste fuels to produce thermal or mechanical energy.

Initiative on the Potential Impact of Sulphur in Gasoline on Motor Vehicle Pollution Control and Monitoring Technologies Environment Canada

Discover the findings reached by a task group regarding the effect of sulphur in gasoline on the emission control and monitoring technologies of Low Emission Vehicles.

Office of Energy Research and Development Natural Resources Canada

Link to information about the Office of Energy Research and Development, the Government of Canada's co-ordinator of energy research and development activities.

Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells National Research Council Canada

Learn about the Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells Program, whose research is aimed at increasing reliability and durability while improving performance, manufacturability and operational flexibility while decreasing costs.

Renewable Energy Technologies Group Natural Resources Canada

Learn about the Renewable Energy Technologies Program, which supports Canadian industry's efforts to develop and deploy renewable energy technologies.

Solar Energy Natural Resources Canada

Read about solar energy, and find out how it can be used effectively for heating and cooling, electricity production and chemical processes.

Solid Oxide Fuel Cells National Research Council Canada

Find information on research of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC), which is aimed at improving durability and lowering costs by reducing operating temperatures and system complexity.

Stationary Gas Turbines Environment Canada

Read about gas turbines, which are thermodynamic engines that create a high pressure mixture of fuel to generate output power for thrust in an aircraft engine, for marine propulsion, or as shaft power for stationary energy applications.

Transportation Energy Technologies Program Natural Resources Canada

Read about the program that works with industry to develop and deploy transportation technologies that minimize environmental impacts, increase job potential and wealth creation and extend the lifespan of our energy resource base.

Wind Energy Natural Resources Canada

Find information on wind energy, a pollution-free, infinitely sustainable form of energy that converts kinetic energy present in the wind into more useful forms such as mechanical energy or electricity.

Wind Power Natural Resources Canada

Find out how wind power is fast becoming a clean part of the energy source in both large and small communities (text and video).

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