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Forest Conditions, Monitoring and Reporting Natural Resources Canada

Includes reports on the state of Canada’s forests and sustainable forest management.

Forest Fire in Canada Natural Resources Canada

Monitor forest fires in Canada with current maps of fire danger zones, hotspots detected by satellite and more. Learn about the positive and negative effects of forest fires.

Biodiversity Research Web Site Natural Resources Canada

Learn about the organization that strives to conserve biodiversity in Canada's forests and promotes the sustainable use of the forest resource.

Canada's Model Forest Program Natural Resources Canada

An initiative in building partnerships locally, nationally, and internationally to generate new ideas and solutions to sustainable forest management issues.

State of Canada's Forests Natural Resources Canada

Access the complete text of The State of Canada’s Forests.

Acid Rain Program Environment Canada

Provides the facts about acid rain and describes what is being done. The "Kid's Corner" presents the information reformatted for children.

Alien Bugs Natural Resources Canada

Learn about efforts to erradicate the Brown Spruce Longhorn Beetle, an alien species that has caused the deaths of red spruce trees in Halifax, Nova Scotia (text and video).

Canada's National Forest Inventory Natural Resources Canada

Provides information on Canada's forest conditions, monitoring and reporting from the Canadian Forest Service.

Canada's Wetlands Natural Resources Canada

Discover the wetlands of Canada - bogs, fens, marshes, swamps, and areas of shallow water - with maps, data, and images from across the country.

Canadian Council of Forest Ministers (CCFM)

Through this site, you will find easily all the information concerning the members of the CCFM, the different initiatives in place as well as the press release of ministerial meetings of previous years.

Canadian Forest Service - Climate Change Natural Resources Canada

Research on climate change effects on Canadian forests and their ecosystems as well as Canadian forest contributions to the carbon cycle.

Canadian Forest Service Bookstore Natural Resources Canada

Visit this bookstore to find publications from the Canadian Forest Service, most of which are available free of charge in print or pdf form.

Canadian Wildland Fire Information System Natural Resources Canada

The Canadian Wildland Fire Information System creates daily fire weather and fire behavior maps year-round and hot spot maps throughout the forest fire season, generally between May and September.

Earth Observation for Sustainable Development of Forests Natural Resources Canada

Find out how space-based earth observation (EO) technologies are being used to create products for forest inventory, forest carbon accounting, monitoring sustainable development and landscape management.

Ecological Integrity Parks Canada

Learn how ecological integrity can be protected in Canada's National Parks, including maintenance, rebuilding and conservation practices.

First Scientists: Non-Timber Forest Products Natural Resources Canada

Discover that forests have much more to offer than just trees. Non-timber forest products are used in medicines, food, clothing and much more (text and video).

Forest Carbon Accounting Natural Resources Canada

Canada’s forests contain large pools of carbon and we need detailed, scientifically rigorous forest carbon accounting to help scientists fully understand their role in the global carbon cycle.

Forest Ecosystems of Canada Natural Resources Canada

Learn more about forest ecosystems by exploring four themes of Canadian Forest Service research: classification, dynamics, disturbances and conservation issues.

Forest Fires – Atlas of Canada Natural Resources Canada

Explore Atlas of Canada information and maps to discover what differentiates a major forest fire from a small one and to learn about the causes, contributors to and methods of fighting major forest fires in Canada.

Forest Inventory Terms in Canada Natural Resources Canada

Forest inventories in Canada have developed in response to local or regional needs. Terminology has tended to develop local or regional variations. This publication is intended to reduce these problems by providing the Canadian forestry community with a common forest inventory terminology and explaining its usage.

Forest Research Natural Resources Canada

The CFS undertakes research in biodiversity, biotechnology, climate change, ecology and ecosystem, entomology, forest conditions, forest fires, forest and landscape management, pathology, silviculture and regeneration, and socioeconomics.

Forestry Fact Sheets Natural Resources Canada

Find information about forestry, including general forest facts, tips on tree care and an extensive list of factsheets on the insects and diseases that threaten the health of trees.

Green Side Up - A Guide to Tree Planting Natural Resources Canada

Planting trees is not only a nice thing to do - it's one way each of us can help improve the environment. Tree planting is not difficult if you remember to follow these simple steps and "keep the green side up!"

Handbook of Maritime Trees Natural Resources Canada

Helps to choose the most appropriate trees for plantings on school grounds, woodlots, parks, natural areas, residential, and environmental restoration projects.

Information Forestry Natural Resources Canada

Find the latest on research and development activities at the Pacific Forestry Centre through this online newsletter, which contains information about forestry research in various aspects of forestry.

Insects and Diseases of Eastern Canada's Forests Natural Resources Canada

An extensive collection of images and a variety of information on the main insects and diseases of Quebec forests and, more broadly, the forests of Eastern Canada.

Insects and Diseases of Western Canada’s Forests Natural Resources Canada

Learn more about the forests of Western Canada with information on trees and the effects of insects and diseases on them.

Integrating Trees with Prairie Agriculture Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Learn about research at a federal tree nursery and shelterbelt centre to integrate trees with prairie agriculture.

Land-Use Change and Forestry 1990-2000 Environment Canada

The contribution to greenhouse gas emissions and removals of forest management, human-induced fires, and changes in the way land is used.

National Forest Fire Situation Report Natural Resources Canada

During the fire season, weekly reports are provided about the size and location of forest fires, the mobilization needs for containment and the status of burned areas.

National Forestry Database Program Natural Resources Canada

Database providing information about forestry activity, including; forest inventory, allowable cut, management costs, revenues and economic profiles, forest fires, insects and pesticides.

National Tree Seed Centre Natural Resources Canada

A collection, processing, testing, and storage facility for tree and shrub seed, the Centre provides seed of known origin and quality for research purposes to researchers around the world.

New Brunswick Tree and Shrub Species of Concern Natural Resources Canada

This guide is intended to help identify species that may require gene conservation strategies and to increase awareness of the importance of these natural resources.

Planting for the Future: Preparing, planting and caring for new shelterbelts Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

View videos that demonstrate how to prepare for, plant and maintain a new shelterbelt of trees.

Statistics and Facts on Forestry Natural Resources Canada

Forestry facts and links to forestry statistics websites.

Transgenic Trees Industry Canada

Discover how and why scientists are creating transgenic, or genetically modified, trees by adding or removing genes from trees during the genetic engineering process.

Tree DNA Natural Resources Canada

Discover how DNA analysis may soon be used to catch tree thieves (text and video).

Tree Species by Ecoregion – Atlas of Canada Natural Resources Canada

Review Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn about the deciduous and coniferous trees of Canada and the ecoregions, or ecozones, in which they are found.

Tree Talk - Information on insects and trees in the boreal forest Natural Resources Canada

Current Information on insects and trees in the boreal forest.

Understanding Atmospheric Change - Warmer Canada Environment Canada

Canadian scientists working under the co-ordination of the Canadian Climate Program are investigating the possible environmental, social, and economic effects of climate change in Canada.

Go to the Governement of Canada Web Site

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