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Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Find a variety of information about agriculture, including the Agricultural Policy Framework, up-to-date news and several other resources.

Canada's Agriculture, Food and Beverage Industry Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Link to the pdf and HTML versions of several fact sheets about the agriculture, food and beverage industries.

Canadian Food Inspection Agency Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Visit this main page of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, which provides links to numerous resources on food production, quality, safety, labelling, and biotechnology.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Visit this entry point to Fisheries and Oceans Canada to find general information on scientific research, the latest news, relevant reports and a list of several subjects and resources.

Food and Nutrition Health Canada

Access information on numerous nutrition topics, including healthy eating, assessing weight, advisories, prenatal nutrition and food recalls.

Food for Health - Are You What You Eat? Canada Agriculture Museum

Visit this virtual exhibit from the Canada Agriculture Museum to learn about Canadian food growers, healthy living, food safety, smart shopping habits and other information with plenty of pictures, tips and interactive activities.

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