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Reproduction and Sexuality

Reproduction and Sexuality

Recommended Links

Assisted Human Reproduction Health Canada

Find information on assisted human reproduction, including legislative and background information, news releases, proposals and reports.

Assisted Human Reproduction at Health Canada Health Canada

Link to a selection of relevant websites and documents relating to assisted human reproduction.

Congenital Anomalies in Canada: A Perinatal Health Report, 2002 Public Health Agency of Canada

Read the introduction to Congenital Anomalies in Canada: A Perinatal Health Report, 2002, or access the full pdf version.

Maternal and Infant Health Section Public Health Agency of Canada

Link to information on maternal and infant health, in reports, fact sheets and more.

Perinatal Health Indicators for Canada Public Health Agency of Canada

Access the pdf version of a resource manual entitled Perinatal Health Indicators for Canada.

Sexuality and Reproductive Health Health Canada

Access resources for all ages on topics such as sex and sexuality, sexual orientation, birth control, pregnancy and infertility.

Go to the Governement of Canada Web Site

Common menu bar links


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