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Living in Space Canadian Space Agency

Find out how astronauts deal with everyday events in the unique conditions that microgravity presents, such as sleeping, eating, exercising, working and maintaining personal hygiene.

History of the Canadian Astronaut Corps Canadian Space Agency

Discover the history of the Canadian Astronaut Program. Meet Canada’s astronauts and find out which ones participated in the 11 separate missions.

Astronaut Training Canadian Space Agency

Discover how astronauts are trained. Find out how astronaut candidates from different backgrounds are brought to the same level of knowledge and skills by covering topics such as space mechanics, life sciences and astronomy.

Canadian Astronaut Office: FAQs Canadian Space Agency

Get answers to frequently asked questions about the careers of Canadian astronauts.

Operational Space Medicine Canadian Space Agency

Read about operational space medicine, which combines many types of medical specialties to examine the effects of spaceflight on humans and prevent problems associated with living in this unique, isolated and extreme environment

Past Space Missions Canadian Space Agency

Read about each of the space missions in which Canadians have taken part. Learn about the specific roles and responsibilities of the astronauts.

Types of Canadian Astronauts Canadian Space Agency

Read about the two types of Canadian Astronauts: Space Operations Astronauts, who are professional astronauts who work for the Canadian Space Agency, and Invited Astronauts, who are sponsored spaceflight participants on missions to the International Space Station.

Why do astronauts suffer motion sickness in space? Canadian Space Agency

Learn about the Torso Rotation Experiment, which was conducted to understand how and why approximately 50% of astronauts suffer motion sickness at the beginning of space flights.

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