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Recommended Links

Agriculture Quiz Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Take this quiz to test what you know about agriculture in Canada.

Canadian National Marsville Program National Research Council Canada

Discover Canada's first settlement of Mars! This simulation helps students in grades 6-8 understand space exploration. Teams across Canada can design and build life support systems and demonstrate their achievements.

Canadian Skies - Constellations National Research Council Canada

Learn all about the constellations—their legends, shapes and locations—with an interactive representation of the night sky and a printable sky chart and viewer.

Canadian Skies - Planisphere National Research Council Canada

Access resources for teachers and students to discover how to explore the skies above Canada. Find information to support curriculum, as well as a glossary of astronomy terms and a gallery of images.

Claire and Her Grandfather Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

Learn about an Aboriginal family with story time, games, colouring activities and more.

Crunchers: A Fun Fast-Facts Game about Aboriginal People in Canada Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

Want to do some fun papercraft? Print out and colour this "cruncher".

CyberWise Teachers - Home Industry Canada

Get tips, resources and useful links for Canadians of all ages on how to use the Internet safely.

Explore Water With Holly Heron Environment Canada

Have a fun time with this collection of activities about water!

Farms Across Canada Canada Agriculture Museum

Want to know where cows are raised? Where cranberries come from? Click on a picture and find out where in Canada your food is grown.

Food For Health - Bacteria in the Kitchen Canada Agriculture Museum

Use this simple activity to make sure your kitchen habits follow food safety guidelines.

Food for Health - For Teachers Canada Agriculture Museum

Try these experiments, activities, and quizzes and learn about food safety, food packaging, and food preservation.

Gallery Interactives: Birds Canadian Museum of Nature

Try one of these 13 interactive activities to practice your birdsong abilities, learn bird silhouettes, find out how to attract birds to your backyard and much more.

Gallery Interactives: Fossils Canadian Museum of Nature

Try one of these 30 interactive activities to learn about dinosaurs, the meteorite that caused a massive extinction, what we know about ancient mammal species, climate change through time and much more.

Gallery Interactives: Mammals Canadian Museum of Nature

Try these interactive activities to learn about mammals: the warning a skunk makes before spraying, how mammals keep warm, appropriate wolf pack behaviour and more.

Healthy Choices - Food Values Canada Agriculture Museum

How much do you know about food values? Match up each item from a Nutrition Facts label to its picture and function.

Invention Gallery Canada Science and Technology Museum

Draw it, scan it, email it: submit your invention and see what other kids have created.

Parks Canada - Teacher's Corner - Fact Sheets Parks Canada

Find fact sheets on Canada's National Parks, Historic Sites and ecozones, with curriculum information, maps, data and links.

Puzzle Mania Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Complete the puzzles! Play three trivia games - on food safety and quality, science and innovation, and the environment - to make the puzzle pieces come together.

Sila Quiz Canadian Museum of Nature

Read the adventure, then take the quiz! These activities cover climate change with topics like rising sea levels, getting clues from glaciers, changes in weather patterns, and more.

Skygazing: Astronomy Through the Seasons National Research Council Canada

Discover something new going on in the sky above you with Dr. Ken Tapping, an astronomer who shows you how to enjoy the beauty and mysteries of the heavens with nothing more than binoculars.

The GEEE! in Genome - In-Class Activities Canadian Museum of Nature

Discover 11 activities for classroom use on the topics of genetics, diversity, DNA, and the ethics of genetic testing. For Grades 5-12.

Transportation Challenge Transport Canada

Take the transportation challenge! This interactive educational game helps students learn about Canadian transportation - by road, rail, sea and sky.

Water is a Treasure! Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

Learn more about water with these activities - be a water detective, play some matching games, tell a story, and more.

Go to the Governement of Canada Web Site

Common menu bar links


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