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Model Forest Network / Réseau de forêts modèles
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Since 1992, there have been hundreds of projects carried out by Canada’s Model Forests, not to mention the related activities undertaken by partner organizations. And the work continues. From biodiversity to forestry practices to the health of forest-based communities, Model Forests are working to address important issues in sustainable forest management.

To find out more about the projects, publications, news and other information produced by Canada’s Model Forests and their partner organizations, select a topic from the menu to the left, or do a quick text search.

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Latest Publications & Resources

August 22, 2007 - Lake Abitibi Model Forest 2006-2007 Annual Report

A report on activities undertaken by the Lake Abitibi Model Forest and its partners during 2006-2007. Available in English only.

July 31, 2007 - Description, Characterization and Identification of Stand Structure Classes in Northeastern Ontario: The application of Multi-Cohort Concepts in the Classification of Stands From Four Forest Types to Cohorts

This is Technical Report #3 from the Lake Abitibi Model Forest.  Specific objectives of this study were: 1) to investigate and extend cohort classification approaches developed in Québec to northeastern Ontario; 2) to develop a more...

July 31, 2007 - Biophysical Characterization of Spaced Skidding Trails on Fine/Medium and Coarse-textured Deposits in Abitibi

The purpose of the project was to characterize soil disturbances caused by the passage of machinery on skidding trails. The regeneration of these trails was studied by comparing germination rates and the establishment rates for seedlings of three...


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