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Biodiversity is the variability of life on Earth, including species, population, community and ecosystem diversity. As home to a vast array of flora and fauna, Canada’s forests play a key role in maintaining biodiversity. Please visit the links featured below to learn how Model Forests and their partner organizations are working to sustain biodiversity.

What's New

August 4, 2006 - Growing Ideas: A Collection of Newsletters from Phase III

A collection of newsletters including information and updates on various topics, including: the Confederay of Mainland Mi'kmaq, the impact of Hurricane Juan on forest ecosystems, Forest Ecosystem Classification, NFA Forest Forum, community...

August 3, 2006 - Creating a Balance

Creating a Balance is a product of the Integrated Resource Management Group. It was produced by the McGregor Model Forest to provide backgrounds of the various natural resource sector groups in British Columbia.

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May 31, 2006 - Natural Disturbance Program: A Compendium of Quicknotes, 2000-2006

The Natural Disturbance Program at the Foothills Model Forest initiated the "Quicknote" series back in March 1999. These are designed to be simple, practical briefing notes, each one summarizing the research findings from one particular...

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