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Climate Change

Climate Change

The rate and magnitude of changes in global climate over the long term has many implications for natural ecosystems. In cooperation with the Carbon Accounting Team of the Canadian Forest Service and other partner organizations, the Canadian Model Forest Network is taking steps to learn how forest management activities can affect climate change and contribute to the reduction of carbon in the atmosphere, as well as how forest-based communities can adapt to climate change. To find out more, please visit the links featured below.

What's New

June 12, 2006 - Forest Watch, Spring/Summer 2006

Forest Watch is the quarterly newsletter of the Western Newfoundland Model Forest (WNMF) Partnership. Forest Watch aims to reflect the diversity of the WNMF’s 20 partners as they work toward the common goal of advancing sustainable forest management...

May 31, 2006 - Natural Disturbance Program: A Compendium of Quicknotes, 2000-2006

The Natural Disturbance Program at the Foothills Model Forest initiated the "Quicknote" series back in March 1999. These are designed to be simple, practical briefing notes, each one summarizing the research findings from one particular...

May 17, 2006 - Communities and Climate Change Workshop: Planning for Impacts and Adaptations: Proceedings

This workshop targeted the communities in the northern region of BC, and included First Nations, academics, environmental groups, municipal, provincial and federal government representatives and members of the public. The objectives were: (1) to...

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