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Criteria & Indicators

Criteria & Indicators

The pursuit of sustainable forest management (SFM) requires ongoing assessment of impacts and changes resulting from forest management practices and other activities. Criteria and indicators of SFM allow for the measurement of progress at different scales – from international to local. To find out more about Model Forests and local level indicators, as well as other organizations involved in the development of criteria and indicators, please visit the links featured below.

What's New

August 4, 2006 - Growing Ideas: A Collection of Newsletters from Phase III

A collection of newsletters including information and updates on various topics, including: the Confederay of Mainland Mi'kmaq, the impact of Hurricane Juan on forest ecosystems, Forest Ecosystem Classification, NFA Forest Forum, community...

April 7, 2006 - Nova Scotia: Our Forest, Our People

This colourfuls document shows how, through previous phases in the Model Forest Program, the Nova Forest Alliance has charted a course in the examination of ways of balancing forest use and ecomomic stability for the communities in the Model Forest...

March 3, 2006 - Socio Economic Indicators & Profile: An update for the Lake Abitibi Model Forest

This report as a whole represents an update to the suite of economic and social indicators reported in the 1999 socio-economic profile of the Lake Abitibi Model Forest and documents the current status of the local economy and its relationship to the...

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