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Ecological Processes

Ecological Processes

By linking Earth’s abiotic elements together with its biological ones, ecological processes are actions or events that shape forests and landscapes. Understanding ecological processes – whether they are natural disturbances like fire or windthrow, or ongoing processes like nutrient cycling or carbon sequestration – is key to the development and implementation of sustainable forest management. To find out more about ecological processes and to learn about the related projects underway within and outside the Canadian Model Forest Network, please visit the links featured below.

What's New

July 31, 2007 - Description, Characterization and Identification of Stand Structure Classes in Northeastern Ontario: The application of Multi-Cohort Concepts in the Classification of Stands From Four Forest Types to Cohorts

This is Technical Report #3 from the Lake Abitibi Model Forest.  Specific objectives of this study were: 1) to investigate and extend cohort classification approaches developed in Québec to northeastern Ontario; 2) to develop a more...

July 31, 2007 - Climate Influence and Canadian Colonialization on Forest Fires in the Lake Abitibi Region

This thesis outlines the results of a study of 235 years of forest fire history in the Abitibi region.  In order to determine the influence of climate and colonialization on forest fires, historical reconstruction of specific...

July 30, 2007 - Developing an Ecological Land Classification for the Fundy Model Forest, Southeastern New Brunswick, Canada

In 1993 an Ecological Land Classification (ELC) approach was chosen with goals of quantifying and mapping the distribution of forest ecosystems in the Fundy Model Forest. The ELC would subsequently provide a framework for discussions concerning...

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