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Model Forest Network / Réseau de forêts modèles
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At the heart of each Model Forest is a group of partners who have different perspectives on the social, economic and environmental dynamics within their forest – perspectives that are necessary to make informed and fair decisions about how to manage the forest. By sharing their experiences and knowledge, as well as educating other organizations and regions outside of their geographic boundaries, Model Forests are expanding their sphere of influence in sustainable forest management. To find out more about how Model Forests and their partner organizations are ensuring that the value of sustainable forest management is communicated to forest users and the general public, please visit the links featured below.

What's New

July 19, 2007 - Prince Albert Model Forest’s Aboriginal Youth Exchange Program

In March 2007, six Sami youth between the ages of 16-24 came from the Vilhelmina Model Forest (VMF) in Sweden to the Prince Albert Model Forest (PAMF) for one week.  To complete the exchange program, six Aboriginal students from PAMF will be visiting the VMF from September 8-19, 2007. The Aboriginal youth travelling to Sweden were selected from a group of Métis and First Nations in their 20’s involved in or studying natural resource...

November 1, 2006 - 50 Years of Harvest and Reforestation: A Historical Photo Review of The Hinton Forest Management Agreement Area

This is report #7 of the Foothills Model Forest Adaptive Forest Management/History Program.  It is a pictorial and historical record through time of harvest areas on West Fraser's Hinton Forest Management Area.  This pictorial record...

August 4, 2006 - Growing Ideas: A Collection of Newsletters from Phase III

A collection of newsletters including information and updates on various topics, including: the Confederay of Mainland Mi'kmaq, the impact of Hurricane Juan on forest ecosystems, Forest Ecosystem Classification, NFA Forest Forum, community...

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