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Private Land Stewardship

Private Land Stewardship

In Canada, privately owned land includes approximately 10% of the country’s commercially productive forest. Most of this land is located in the country’s southern forest regions, where a large proportion of the forest is divided into small parcels owned by individual woodlot owners. In addition to providing economic benefits, these woodlots provide wildlife habitat, spiritual values and recreational opportunities. They also contribute to the maintenance of biodiversity and the supply of clean water to nearby communities. To find out more about the many challenges and opportunities that exist in the private woodlot sector, please visit the links featured below.

What's New

July 4, 2007 - Stewardship Planning Atlas for Natural Areas: Eastern Ontario Model Forest

The Eastern Ontario Model Forest is leading an innovative project that will combine modern technology and biophysical data to create an online atlas. The Stewardship Planning Atlas for Natural Areas is a tool for private landowners and forest consultants, and is intended to help them create maps and plans for the Ontario government’s Managed Forest Tax Incentive...

May 22, 2007 - Private Woodlot Strategic Initiative Primer No. 7: Have You Tried Exploring Non-Timber Forest Products?

No one will argue that timber is usually king when it comes to generating revenue from your woodlot. But maybe you don’t have a lot of wood to harvest at the present time or you want to find an income source that will tide you over between...

May 22, 2007 - Private Woodlot Strategic Initiative Primer No. 8: World Wide Web - A Wealth of Woodlot Management Resources

Managing a woodlot can be a challenging task especially if your interests and training  are in a field other than natural resource management. You are not alone, and information to help you is only a “mouse click” away. The National...

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