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The sustainability of the quality and quantity of the country’s supply of fresh water is of paramount importance to Canadians. Because forests play an important role in filtering and storing water, sustainable forest management must integrate approaches that ensure the sustainability of water resources. To find out more about how Model Forests and their partners are making the link between the sustainability of forests and water, please visit the following links.

What's New

August 4, 2006 - Growing Ideas: A Collection of Newsletters from Phase III

A collection of newsletters including information and updates on various topics, including: the Confederay of Mainland Mi'kmaq, the impact of Hurricane Juan on forest ecosystems, Forest Ecosystem Classification, NFA Forest Forum, community...

June 12, 2006 - Forest Watch, Spring/Summer 2006

Forest Watch is the quarterly newsletter of the Western Newfoundland Model Forest (WNMF) Partnership. Forest Watch aims to reflect the diversity of the WNMF’s 20 partners as they work toward the common goal of advancing sustainable forest management...

April 7, 2006 - Stream Crossings Inspection Manual

Environmental stewardship and safety are key considerations in stream crossing design, construction and maintenance. This is a shared responsibility among the various resource industries and the government agencies in Alberta. Due to the negative...

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