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Model Forest Network / Réseau de forêts modèles
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Canada’s forests are home to thousands of species of wildlife. Ensuring that forest management is designed and implemented in such a way as to protect wildlife, while safeguarding the complex dynamics between wildlife species, is important to all of Canada’s Model Forests. From habitat research on large mammals such as caribou, moose and bears, to projects investigating the distribution and abundance of tiny songbirds and amphibians, Model Forests and their partners are working to promote forest management that takes into account the needs of wildlife. To find out more, please visit the links featured below.

What's New

June 19, 2007 - Foothills Model Forest Wins Major Award

Canada’s mining industry leaders gathered recently in Montreal, Québec, for the country’s largest mining conference hosted annually by the Canadian Institute of Mining.  Among the prestigious award winners was the Foothills Model Forest Grizzly Bear Program, which was the first recipient of the Syncrude Award of Excellence in Sustainable...

September 1, 2006 - Caribou Landscape Management Association: Quicknote #3

The purpose of the Quicknotes is to provide a brief summary of activities and progress of the Caribou Landscape Management Association. This Quicknote provides a general update on initiatives and projects of the Association and its partners. For...

September 1, 2006 - Caribou Landscape Management Association Integrated Industry Access Plan

The Caribou Landscape Management Association mandate is to facilitate implementation of proposals for integrated landscape management and conservation actions for the Little Smoky and A la Peche caribou herds in west central Alberta. The first...

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