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Innovations Newsletter

Volume 5, Issue 2

9 article(s)

Canada's Model Forests on the world stage -- August 2005

Welcome to the August 2005 edition of Innovations, the online newsletter of the Canadian Model Forest Network.

This issue showcases the international linkages of Canada's Model Forests. For the fully-formated pdf version click here. To access the html version please click on article titles.


Measuring Carbon and meeting Canada's international commitments

For three years the Canadian Model Forest Network and the Canadian Forest Service’s Carbon Accounting Team (CFS-CAT) have been working hard to develop a user friendly, freely available, operational-scale carbon accounting model that may be applied anywhere in the country.


International Model Forest Network celebrates 10 years

This year, the occasion of the International Model Forest Network’s 10th anniversary has provided the opportunity for Network partners to share information on some of the successes and lessons learned in key SFM areas — governance, sustainable economic development, conservation and protection, forest science and best practices, networking and sharing experience and expertise, and leveraging resources.


A future model forest in France?

Is the model forest approach to sustainable forest management right for France?


Linking Indigenous peoples through model forests

In September 2004, representatives of Prince Albert Model Forest’s (PAMF) Aboriginal partners along with the North and South Vilhelmina Saamí village peoples and the Fatmomakke Saamí Association in Sweden signed a Letter of Intent to Cooperate.


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