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Model Forest Network / Réseau de forêts modèles
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About Model Forests

About Model Forests Model Forests are more than just trees. Model Forests are working-scale forest-based landscapes, but they are also mainly about people and the process of coming together in local partnerships and in a larger network to develop, test and share solutions to local challenges in sustainable forest management.

Model Forests succeed because they actively involve Aboriginal peoples, environmentalists, industry managers, landowners, members of forest-dependent communities, academic institutions, outdoor enthusiasts, parks officials and scientists who have an interest in their region’s natural resources. Working collaboratively to determine priorities and goals for local sustainability and the realization that this cooperation is the most effective means of addressing everyone’s needs is the glue that holds Model Forest partnerships together.

The growth and evolution of Model Forests in Canada, from the beginning stages of building partnerships in the early 1990’s to present efforts to disseminate information and advance sustainable forest management throughout the country, provides a fascinating history and body of knowledge for others wishing to establish similar initiatives. And many countries are following in Canada’s footsteps – the Model Forest concept has been exported internationally into more than a dozen countries around the world.

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