Government of Canada

Contact Employment Programs

Do you have a question about employment programs? The following frequently asked questions might help:

How do I apply for the Job Creation Partnerships program?

How do I apply for the Employment Assistant Services?

How do I apply for the Skills Development program?

How do I apply for the Self Employment program?

How do I apply for the Targeted Wage Subsidies program?

How do I apply for the following Youth Employment Strategy programs: 

Can Service Canada help me find employment opportunities?

Do you still have questions or need to talk to a service delivery agent?

Contact information for employment programs:

  • In-person
  • You can also mail us at:

    Service Canada
    Citizen and Community Service - General Inquiries
    140 Promenade du Portage
    Place du Portage, Phase IV, 4th Floor
    Gatineau, QC, K1A 0J9

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