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John Hookham FrereCHANTREY, Sir Francis Legatt (1781-1841) British
John Hookham Frere 1818
Marble, 76.5 cm high
Signed at back: CHANTREY / SCULPTOR / 1818
Purchased in 1975
No. 18480
Flayed ManCIGOLI, Ludovico CARDI, called (1559-1613) Italian
After Cigoli
Flayed Man
Bronze, un-numbered, height. 59.5
Bequest of the Estate of Alan Jarvis, Toronto, 1974
No. 18123
ChildhoodCOLLINSON, James (1825-1881) British
Childhood 1855
Oil on panel, circular (slightly irregular), 45.2 x 45.5 cm
Signed and dated at lower right: J. Collinson 1855 Purchased in 1964
No. 14629
An Allegory of Virtue, Pleasure, and DeathCORNELIS Cornalisz. Van HAARLEM (1562-1638) Dutch
Allegory of Virtue 1631
Oil on oak, 38 x 54.6 cm
Signed and dated on lower left on rock: CvH 1631
Purchased 1968
Study of Two HeadsCHASSÉRIAU, Théodore (1819-1857) French
Study of Two Heads 1840
Oil on canvas, 22.8 x 29.59 cm
Signed at lower left: Chasseriau; dated lower right: Rome 1840 Septembre.
Purchased in 1968
No. 15678
Memento MoriCELEBRANO, Francesco (1729-1814) Italian
Memento Mori c 1770
Painted wood, cork, clay, cloth and metal clamps, 43.5 x 47 x 26.8 cm
Purchased in 1969
The Artist with his Wife and their Son Jean-RenéCARRIÈRE, Eugène (1849-1906) French
The Artist with his Wife and their Son Jean-René 1895-1896
Oil on canvas, 240 x 124.4 cm
Signed at lower left: Eugene Carriere
Purchased in l969
No. 15756
SpringCARPEAUX, Jean-Baptiste (1827-1875) French
Spring 1873
Marble, 53.9 cm high (including base)
Signed and dated at right edge of base: J.Bte CARPEAUX 1873
Gift of Mrs. Samuel J. Zacks, Toronto, 1971
No. 16988
The Submission of Milan to Francis I in 1515CARON, Antoine (c. 1521-1599) French,
Workshop of Antoine Caron
The Submission of Milan to Francis I in 1515
Oil on oak, 50.5 x 66.8 cm
Purchased in 1972
No. 17113
A Nymph Carrying the Infant BacchusCLODION, Claude MICHEL, called (1738-1814) French
A Nymph Carrying the Infant Bacchus 1799
Terracotta, h. 50 x 19.1 x 19.7 cm
Signed and dated on base: CLODION. / 1799
Purchased in 1973
Christ on the CrossCHAMPAIGNE, Philippe de (1602-1674) French
Christ on the Cross
Oil on canvas, 84.3 x 63.3 cm
Purchased in 1977
Studies for a CrucifixionCAROLUS-DURAN, Émile-Auguste (1837-1917) French
Studies for a Crucifixion c. 1898-1899
Oil on canvas, 116.5 x 81.5 cm
Inscribed on stretcher by Pierre Carolus-Duran, the artist's son: ETUDE DU CHRIST / PAR / CAROLUS-DURAN / (se trouvant dans la chapelle / D'AYGULF VAR) / Pierre Carolus-Duran
Gift of Toby and Joey Tanenbaum, 1979
No. 23220
An Allegory of the ArtsCRESPI, Giuseppe Maria (1665-1747) Italian
An Allegory of the Arts, c. 1730
Oil on canvas, 126.5 x 138.5 cm
Purchased in 1995
No. 38019
Salome with the Head of St. John the BaptistCONSTANT, Jean-Joseph-Benjamin, called BENJAMIN-CONSTANT (1845-1902) French
Salome with the Head of Saint John the Baptist c. 1895-98
Oil on wood, 81 x 69.4 cm
Signed at lower right: Benjamin-Constant
Gift of the Robert Tanenbaum Family Trust, Toronto, 1999
No. 40160
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