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Fountain FigureKOLBE, Georg (1877-1947) German
Fountain Figure 1912/1919
Artificial stone, un-numbered, one of 10 or 11 casts, 86.7 cm high
Purchased, 1964
No. 14608
©Estate of Georg Kolbe / ADAGP (Paris) / SODRAC (Montreal)
PietàKOLLWITZ, Käthe (1867-1945) German
Pietà 1938
Bronze, un-numbered, one of an unknown number of casts, 36.8 cm high
Signed at back on right, near base: Kollwitz; founder's stamp: H. Noack Berlin
Purchased, 1963
No. 15050
© Estate of Käthe Kollwitz /ADAGP (Paris) / SODRAC (Montreal)
Friedrich NietzscheKLINGER, Max (1857-1920) German
Friedrich Nietzsche c. 1904
Bronze with black patina, traditionally one of three un-numbered casts, height 63.2 cm
Foundry stamp, on back at bottom: AKT = GES vorm. H. GLADENBECK u. SOHN / BERLIN = FRIEDRICHSHAGEN
Gift of the Robert Tanenbaum Family Trust, Toronto, 1999
No. 40159
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