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The Adoration of the MagiTIEPOLO, Giovanni Battista (1696-1770) Italian
Italian Follower of Tiepolo, 18th century
The Adoration of the Magi
Oil on canvas, 56.8 x 44.6 cm
Purchased in 1950
No. 5050
Pan and SyrinxTROY, Jean-François de (1679-1752) French
Pan and Syrinx, 1733
Oil on canvas, 90.5 x 73.0 cm
Purchased 2000
No. 40407
The LetterTISSOT, James (1836-1902) French
The Letter c. 1876-78
Oil on canvas, 71.4 x 107.1 cm
Signed and dated at right on base of urn: J.J. Tissot 187[8?] Purchased in 1964
No. 15191
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