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Explore some of the topics and people involved in genomics through these online videos.

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You must have QuickTime or Windows Media Player in order to see the videos. You can download QuickTime from the Apple Web site, or download Windows Media Player from the Microsoft Web site.

Exploring Our Molecular Selves

Exploring Our Molecular Selves

A 3D computer-animated video illustrating the basic components and principles of molecular biology. The video gives a sense of the scale of cells, chromosomes, and DNA and shows how the information in DNA is converted into proteins. Running time - 2 minutes, 50 seconds.

QuickTime versions
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download to view offline (.zip 20 Mb)

Windows Media Player versions
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download to view offline (.zip 16.5 Mb)

Michael Smith

Michael Smith

A look at the life and achievements of Dr. Michael Smith, scientist, professor, philanthropist and communicator, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 1993.
Running time - 3 minutes.

QuickTime versions
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Windows Media Player versions
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National Science Fair

National Science Fair

Feel the excitement! Follow the winners of the Genome Canada prize at the 2001 Saskatoon Canada Wide Science Fair.
Running time - 3 minutes.

QuickTime versions
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download to view offline (.zip 16.5 Mb)

Windows Media Player versions
good quality | best quality
download to view offline (.zip 16.5 Mb)

Whales of the St-Lawrence

Whales of the St-Lawrence

Archaeology and DNA science meet to help save the endangered right whale.
Running time - 3.75 minutes.

QuickTime versions
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Windows Media Player versions
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Breast/Ovarian Cancer Gene

Breast/Ovarian Cancer Gene

Meet Jan Kupecz and learn about the BRCA1 gene that plays a role in hereditary breast and ovarian cancer.
Running time - 3 minutes.

QuickTime versions
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Windows Media Player versions
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Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome

Meet Melanie Manion and her family. Learn about the life of a young woman with Down syndrome.
Running time - 3 minutes.

QuickTime versions
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Windows Media Player versions
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