Canadian Bankers Association  
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Welcome to the Canadian Bankers Association
Welcome to the Canadian Bankers Association
Welcome to the Canadian Bankers Association

The Canadian Bankers Association is a professional industry association that provides its members - the chartered banks of Canada - with information, research and operational support and contributes to the development of public policy on financial services.

The CBA also provides information, statistics and publications to help individual and small business consumers manage their financial affairs.

quick facts

88% of Canadians believe that consumers benefit from increased competition and choices for insurance products.

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Fighting Crime: The Right Tools Are Needed Fighting Crime: The Right Tools Are Needed
CBA President Raymond Protti delivered a speech focusing on the need to make identity theft a defined Criminal Code offence in Canada, on ensuring that our laws keep pace with changing criminal practices, and on sentencing reform. Click here to learn more.
Fraud and Security Real Estate Fraud
Click here for answers to frequently-asked questions about everything from credit and debit card fraud to e-mail fraud and phishing. You can also test your knowledge with our online quiz, and sign up to receive our Fraud Prevention Tip of the Month.
There's Something About Money There's Something About Money
Financial Information for Youth
Banks and Your Privacy
Identity theft - A prevention policy is needed


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