

Welcome to the web site of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF)! 

The FATF is an inter-governmental body whose purpose is the development and promotion of national and international policies to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.  The FATF is therefore a "policy-making body" created in 1989 that works to generate the necessary political will to bring about legislative and regulatory reforms in these areas. The FATF has published 40 + 9 Recommendations in order to meet this objective.

What's new
News Release: Mutual Evaluation Report - Ireland (English)  View long abstract
News Release: Mutual Evaluation Report - Sweden (English)  View long abstract
Chairman's Summary, Cape Town Plenary, 15-17 February 2006 (pdf, 26Kb,English)  View long abstract
Also available: Réunion Plénière, Le Cap, 15-17 Février 2006 - Résumé du Président (pdf, 38Kb,French)
Interpretative Note to SR VIII (Non-Profit Organisations) (pdf, 34Kb,English)  View long abstract
Mutual Evaluation Reports 2005-2006 (English)  View long abstract
FATF will explore the symbiotic relationship among corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing (pdf, 48Kb,English)  View long abstract
Also available: Le GAFI étudie le lien entre la corruption, le blanchiment d’argent et le financement du terrorisme (pdf, 50Kb,French)
55 Jurisdictions Agree to Fight Money Laundering (pdf, 26Kb,English)  View long abstract
Also available: 55 Pays s’accordent pour lutter contre le blanchiment d’argent (pdf, 24Kb,French)
FATF Welcomes China as an Observer (pdf, 26Kb,English)  View long abstract
FATF Annual Report 2004-2005 (pdf, 84Kb,English)  View long abstract
Typologies Report 2004-2005 (pdf, 1004Kb,English)  View long abstract
NCCT Annual Report 2004-2005 (Sixth Review) (pdf, 196Kb,English)  View long abstract
See more news and events...


Plenary Meeting February 2006 Cape Town
Mutual evaluation reports
The FATF discussed and adopted the mutual evaluation reports of Ireland and Sweden. These reports continue the third round of mutual evaluations for the FATF.
2004-2005 Reports
FATF Annual Report 2004-2005
FATF Annual Report 2004-2005
Typologies Report 2004-2005
2004-2005 Report on Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Typologies
NCCT Annual Report 2004-2005 (Sixth Review)
Annual and Overall Review of Non-Cooperative Territories or Countries
Recent Publications
Revised Interpretative Note to Special Recommendation VII: Wire transfers
The Interpretative note to Special Recommendation IX as well as the International Best Practices Paper for Special Recommendation IX are now available in French. Please see Publications, FATF Standards to download these documents.
Mutual Evaluation Reports 2005
Handbook for Countries and Assessors

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