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Industry Sectors

Canada's Key Sectors: Investment and Business Decision Information

<img src="/web/20071119180803im_/" height="160" width="228" align="left" border="0"> Canada has created a unique business environment that allows companies to grow on the world stage. To attract the best and brightest, Canada has focused its policies, business incentives and university support around key industries, including:

The most important drivers for the aerospace industry are innovation, productivity and highly skilled employees. Canada has successfully combined all three to create the third largest aerospace industry in the world.


Canada grows and processes food for the world. The country’s agri-food industry leverages technology and science to produce high quality, safe foods. Learn more about how the profits in the Canadian Agri-Food industry have been soaring.


To survive in the automotive industry you need to be efficient and cost-competitive. Adding business smarts and innovation will allow you to flourish in this highly competitive industry. The Canadian automotive industry has achieved just this combination.


A successful partnership between industry, universities and government has created one of the world’s hotbeds for biotechnology. Today, Canada ranks second in the world in this new industry and shows the world how to bring profitable products to market.


Between 1997 and 2003, international investors pumped more than US $10 billion into the chemical industry. Canada has an excellent infrastructure for supply, storage and transmission of chemicals, allowing companies to take advantage of international business opportunities.


Information and Communications Technologies (ICT)
Canada ’s workforce is not just smart, it’s creative. Canadian universities produce graduates who can think innovatively, take ideas to the next level and develop solutions that can be marketed around the world. Canadian ICT companies are globally successful and international companies seek partnerships to benefit from Canadian “smarts”.


Medical Devices
Canada 's regulatory environment and strong support for R&D; have made Canada the most profitable and innovative market for medical devices.

Medical Devices

Oil and Gas
Canada has everything it takes to be successful in the oil and gas industry : rich resources, cutting-edge expertise and innovative technologies. Canada is committed to R&D; to reduce oil and gas emissions and plays a leadership role in many oil and gas related technologies and services.

Oil and Gas

The growth of the Canadian pharmaceutical market is driven by seamless access to the United States, a significant cost advantage and a strong Canadian R&D; infrastructure. Today, more than 10 % of the new medicines discovered globally come from Canada. The country also provides an excellent environment for clinical research.


Canada offers easy access to top-notch scientists, an abundant and competitively priced resin supply and major end-use markets. Canada is the lowest-cost plastic products investment location among G7 countries.
