Socio-economic Conference 2007

Socio-economic Conference 2008


May 5-6, 2008
Ottawa Congress Centre
50 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa (Ontario) Canada K1N 9J2

The Statistics Canada Socio-economic Conference provides an annual forum for empirical research focusing on issues of concern in Canadian public policy. The conference targets studies discussing:

  • emerging economic trends and their underlying causes;
  • the ability of various groups to participate in society and the economy.

Relevant topics include, but are not limited to: innovation; productivity; international trade; agriculture; environment-economy linkages; natural resources and energy; transportation; industrial development; urban and rural development; health; education; families; income and wealth and their distribution; immigration; and labour markets.

The Conference focuses on studies directly relevant to Canada, while at the same time welcoming comparative international studies that shed light on Canadian public policy issues. It places a premium on empirical studies making innovative use of Canadian data.

Proposals are now being sought for the 2008 Conference. Authors are invited to submit proposals under one or more of the following categories:

  • Contributed paper - Analysis prepared in the form of a formal paper and presented in a parallel session of the conference.
  • Contributed session - A parallel session comprising a maximum of three papers on a related area of socio-economic analysis. In addition to identifying papers, organizers of contributed sessions are responsible for identifying chairpersons and discussants for their sessions. Proposals for contributed sessions must include separate abstracts for each paper.
  • Poster - Presentation of study results in the form of a display board. This will be suitable for any work that can be communicated effectively with limited text. It offers researchers the opportunity to discuss their work on a one-on-one basis with conference participants. Research in an early stage of development or work too limited in scope for formal presentation may be effectively presented in this way.

Authors should clearly indicate for which category they wish their proposal to be considered.

Proposals should clearly indicate the names of all co-authors, the email and telephone number of the contact author, paper title and an abstract no more than 500 words in length, and submitted as a Microsoft Word file or a PDF.

Deadlines and milestones:

Proposal submissions: January 14th, 2008
Notification of acceptance: February 15th, 2008
Final drafts of papers: April 15th, 2008

Please send proposals to:


Or to

Statistics Canada / Socio-economic Conference 2008
Conference Planning Services
150 Tunney’s Pasture Driveway
Main Building, Room 1104
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0T6

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