National economic accounts >

About the national accounts advisory committee

The creation of an advisory committee on the Canadian System of National Accounts was announced on March 29, 1984 with its inaugural meeting taking place on April 30, 1984.

The role of the Committee is to review the concepts, methods, plans, standards as well as results associated with the System of National Accounts.

The Committee meets twice a year, each time for a 1 1/2 day session. The Committee is serviced by Statistics Canada but is independent in its judgements and recommendations. The mandate of the committee is to formally advise the Chief Statistician and the reports of the Committee are in the public domain.

The Committee is comprised of a Chairperson and approximately 12 members. Membership is by invitation from the Chief Statistician and invitees are selected based on professional qualifications. No committee member is considered to be representative of any group or institution as such.


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