National economic accounts >

Overview of data tables

Click on an account or component to see a list of all tables.

Account Components
Balance of payments Current account Capital and financial account International investment position Direct investment (flows and positions) Portfolio investment (flows and positions)
Environment Natural resource stocks Use of material and energy Waste production    
Financial and wealth Transactions (flows) by sector Balance sheet (stocks) by sector      
Government finance Revenues and expenditures Balance sheets Employment, wages and salaries Government business enterprises Sales of alcoholic beverages
Gross domestic product (GDP) Expenditure-based Income-based Industry-based Provinces and territories  
Income and expenditure GDP by income and by expenditure Personal (consumer) expenditures Investment (including inventories) Exports and imports Sectors
Input-output GDP by industry Final demand categories Input and output by industries and commodities Trade flows (international and interprovincial)  
Leading indicators Composite leading indicator        
Productivity Multifactor and labour productivity (annual program) Labour productivity (quarterly program) Labour productivity (annual provincial program)    
Provinces and territories Environment Government finance Income and expenditure Input-output Productivity
Special studies Non-profit institutions Purchasing power parities International comparisons    
Tourism Expenditures Employment Supply Prices, GDP and international travellers  

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