Canadian Agriculture at a Glance

2006 Census of Agriculture

Since successful breeding efforts in the 1970s made it possible to grow soybeans beyond southern Ontario, soybean area has increased eightfold and it has become an economic success for farmers. The inaugural release, "The soybean, agriculture’s jack-of-all-trades, is gaining ground across Canada" from the 2006 edition of Canadian Agriculture at a Glance reviews the progress of the crop.

This latest edition of Canadian Agriculture at a Glance aims to open the barn doors of Canadian agriculture to non-farming Canadians by providing a smart, snappy, intriguing, informative and unbiased look at the state of agriculture in the country.

The 2006 Census of Agriculture—the basis for the articles—found fewer than 1% of Canadians are farm operators. Yet, all Canadians participate in the agri-food sector when they go grocery shopping and make food choices.

Statistics Canada’s mandate is to provide information to Canadians so they can make sound, fact-based decisions—whether on the farm or in the grocery aisle. Its wealth of objective data on the agriculture sector can help you make your own choices. Unlike past editions of Glance, new articles for the latest version will be rolled out online on a regular basis before being published in print—so keep checking this space to feed your interest in the Canadian agricultural sector.

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