Canada Revenue Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Request for the Canada Revenue Agency to update records

Complete the information below concerning the deceased

Name of deceased: ____________________________________

Deceased's social insurance number: _____  _____  _____

The deceased's date of birth: Year ___ Month ___ Day ___

The deceased's date of death: Year ___ Month ___ Day ___

Address : _________________________________

Complete the applicable information below concerning the
surviving spouse or common-law partner

checkbox Please update the surviving spouse's or common-law partner's marital status and recalculate the CCTB and/or UCCB.

checkbox Please update the surviving spouse's or common-law partner's marital status and recalculate the GST/HST credit.

checkbox Please reassess the surviving spouse's or common-law partner's return to allow a claim for the GST/HST credit.

Name of surviving spouse
or common-law partner: _______________________________________

Surviving spouse's or common-law partner's social insurance number: _____  _____  _____

Signature of surviving spouse
or common-law partner: ___________________________________  Date : __________

Your name: _________________________________________

Your address: _________________________________

Your telephone number: _____ - _____ - _______

Privacy Act Personal Information Bank number CRA/P-PU-040

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