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Space Technology

Canada’s space technology is internationally competitive and at the forefront of research and innovation.

    • The worlds second-largest supplier> of global navigation satellite systems equipment, after the United States.
    • Global leadership in space robotics: The Canadarm2 is critical to the construction and use of the International Space Station.
    • Leads the world in earth observation systems: Having built more than 70 per cent of the worlds civilian multi-satellite earth observation ground stations.

Canadian space companies have achieved world-leading capabilities in areas such as space robotics, satellite-based communication services, earth observation and remote sensing, space microwave subsystems, and synthetic aperture radar. Here are some key facts about our space industry:

    • More than 6,000 highly skilled workers
    • Nearly 2,000 are scientists and engineers,
    • $2 billion space sector revenues in 2003

Source: Aerospace Industries Association of Canada

Canadian space firms benefit from strategic international partnerships:
    • Close cooperation with the United States (NASA) for over 30 years, from Alouette to RADARSAT
    • Special relationship with the European Space Agency for more than 20 years
    • Extensive bilateral collaboration with other European and Asian countries, such as Russia , Japan , Sweden , etc.

Leading companies in the Canadian space sector include:
    • ABB Bomen
    • Bristol
    • CMC Electronics Inc.
    • COM DEV
    • CRESTech and Dynacon Inc
    • EMS Technologies Canada, Ltd.
    • Guigné International Ltd.
    • Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates (MDA)
    • MD Robotics
    • Neptec
    • NovAtel 
    • Satlantic Inc.
    • SED Systems Inc.
    • Telesat