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Biotechnology Sector

Canada ’s Biotechnology Industry – We think beyond tomorrow

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Canada is one of the top five countries in biotechnology. Our high international standing is a reflection of our leading edge research. The biotech industry also benefits from a powerful partnership between universities and industry and strong financing and venture capital programs for Canadian biotech enterprises.

Canada ’s biotechnology sector is expanding rapidly in terms of industry-wide revenues and the launch of new companies.

Proven Research strengths in:
    • genomics
    • proteomics
    • bio-informatics
    • immuno-therapies
    • protein engineering
    • new drug delivery systems

“Canada provides broad access to early-stage capital, world-class scientific research and progressive universities. This combination offers all kinds of opportunities for entrepreneurship in biotechnology.”

Ian McBeath, President and CEO
Inflazyme Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Discover why so many foreign biotech investors decide to expand and research in Canada:
Key Web Resources
    • Biotechnology. Canada's Sector Advantages
      An important and relevant feature of these proposition-based products is the section identifying and ranking location drivers based on sector-specific investor intelligence. As well, the products provide a broad overview of Canadian industry strengths and capabilities, key clusters and leading firms in Canada. PDF
      A two-page fact sheet that showcases Canada's positive sector-based results in the KPMG 2006 study and also highlights Canada's non-cost location advantages. PDF

Contact the Life Sciences Investment Team:
Tanya (Butt) Gadzos
Trade and Investment Officer USA
Tel: (613) 948-1547
Krista Collins
Industry Development Officer - Europe
Tel: (613) 946-5593
Vicki Schouten
Senior Industry Development Officer - Asia
(613) 954-3068