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Research and innovation is a priority for the federal government
Canada ’s goal is to rank among the top five countries worldwide for research and development (R&D;).

    • Canada has invested $13 billion in research since 1997 to support a technology-driven knowledge-based economy.
    • Canada added $1.7 billion in spending over three years in 2003
    • Provinces also play a strong role in funding programs for innovation.
    • Canada offers the most generous tax treatment for R&D; operations among G-7 countries

Car Makers invest in Canada
    • Annual capital investment in the Canadian automotive manufacturing sector was $2.8 billion in 2003
    • The average annual growth rate is 4 per cent since 1993.

(Source: Statistics Canada, 2003)

Dynamic R&D; partnerships
International automotive companies operating in Canada or locating to Canada benefit from its dynamic clusters of R&D; partnerships including:

    • AUTO21: Canada´s national research initiative for the auto sector. More than 120 industry, government and institutional partners, and supports over 230 top researchers at more than 35 academic institutions, government research facilities and private sector research labs across Canada.
    • Automotive Research and Development Centre (ARDC): A $500-million R&D; program. Areas of research include alternative fuel, mechanical engineering design, engine/transmission design, advanced materials, emissions, bio-mechanics and vehicle safety among others.
    • Partnership for the Advancement of Collaborative Engineering Education (PACE): A $240-million program. PACE links GM, EDS, Sun Microsystems and the University of British Columbia to focus on R&D; in computer-aided design, manufacturing, engineering software, hardware and training.

Canadian R&D; Institutes working with Canadian automakers
    • Canadian Lightweight Materials Research Initiative
    • Centre for Automotive Materials and Manufacturing
    • Transportation Development centre
    • National Research Council´s auto-related programs, such as:
      • CANMET laboratories
      • Industrial Manufacturing Technology Institute
      • Industrial Materials Institute
      • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)
      • Communications Research Canada

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