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Using location-based information, public safety and security organizations will increase their situational awareness by better understanding incidents–and their management options.

Topics of importance:

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Fun with GeoRSS

If you know what RSS is, GeoRSS is a logical step forward. ... GeoRSS adds a few tags to RSS that hold spatial data.


Success Story

GeoConnections and U.S. FGDC streamline cross-border geospatial data sharing

GeoConnections and the U.S. Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) have been working together since 1999 to adopt common geospatial data standards for both Canada and the USA.

GEOIDE Market Intelligence Portal
A new section is now available on the GEOIDE website: the GEOIDE Market Intelligence Portal (English only). This section is opened to everyone (member and non member) who is interested of having the latest news from the geospatial industry,

From The Economist: The World on your Desktop
As the internet becomes intertwined with the real world, the resulting "geoweb" has many uses. Read The Economist's September 2007 report on the geoweb...