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Commissioner’s Statement – Release of Round III MAF (2005)

The Treasury Board Management Accountability Framework
Round III Assessments
are available at:

I am pleased to take this opportunity to offer comments on the 2005 RCMP Management Accountability Framework (MAF).  The sound management of the Force is an integral part of delivering on the RCMP's strategic goal of safe homes and safe communities for Canadians.  I am very proud of the progress we have made over the last few years towards implementing TBS modern management accountability elements into all aspects of management within the RCMP.  The progression we have made in further implementing modern management practices into our daily operations is clearly reflected in the TBS assessment this year.

As an organization committed to accountability and professionalism we welcome opportunities to identify ways to improve on delivering the quality programs, services and policing that Canadians require and desire.  We are pleased to be a part of the MAF process; and value the guidance offered by the Treasury Board Secretariat.  When we can identify our triumphs and focus on our challenges, we can ensure that we remain a model of policing and management excellence.

The RCMP has fully embraced accountability at all management levels of our organization and we continue to move closer toward fully implementing the elements of the Management Accountability Framework into our Operational activities.   In fact, we have integrated the application of the MAF into our senior executive performance measurement process.  The strategic framework in place at the RCMP clearly links the operational mandate with its corporate mandate and more broadly with Government of Canada objectives.  One of the values of the MAF for me is that it offers additional perspectives on our organization. 

The RCMP accepts the observations and recommendations contained in the Round III MAF, however, I would like to offer additional context to a few of the points raised in the document to ensure a broader understanding of the assessment.

  • Under financial reporting, issues with the management of the RCMP pension plan are detailed in the MAF.  In addition to the ongoing implementation of corrective measures, the RCMP has implemented all recommendations which resulted from internal and external audits and reviews.  These corrective measures, including the establishment of the Pension Finance Oversight Committee, and strengthened controls for contracting and staffing, are intended to ensure RCMP members receive the highest possible level of service, while administrating these plans in the most efficient manner.
  • Official Languages for External Service Delivery were reported in the MAF as having deficiencies. In 2007, the RCMP will implement an on-line course available to managers, front-line personnel in detachments, and offices with obligations to provide services in both official languages. This course is designed to assist employees in understating obligations for providing an active offer of service and service in the preferred language of the public.
  • It was reported that the RCMP does not meet proactive disclosure guidelines for contracts over $10,000.  However, this material was available on the RCMP website but access was not directly from its homepage as required by government policy.  When the RCMP discovered this, a direct link was immediately added to the homepage.
  • The RCMP’s handling of leasing arrangements for a detachment building was mentioned several times in the MAF.   After a full review of the RCMP’s management approval process, the RCMP has established an Action Plan that provides the following:
    • Improved risk management plans;
    • Enhanced training and certification of staff;
    • The development of strengthened protocols, guidelines and managerial controls;
    • Oversight when leasing real property for ensuring that all requirements, including security requirements, are determined prior to tendering; and for clarity in communications with contractors.
  • It was reported that the RCMP continues to fall short in resourcing its evaluation function.  The evaluation function has been formally structured in the Internal Audit program for a year now and an action plan is underway to address the observation.

Like all other departments, the RCMP operates in a complex world with new and unique realities, economic and political globalization, technological shifts, demographic changes, and shifting public priorities.

The RCMP recognizes that Results-Based Management is an evolutionary process.  We will continue to focus on fiscal responsibility and ethical conduct.  We will, strengthen comptrollership and oversight, modernize management practices and continually strive to ensure the highest level of accountability, transparency and good governance.

RCMP management will to continue to work closely with TBS to ensure that we not only meet the expectations of Parliament and Canadians but that we also continue to assume a leadership role within government to further implement and institutionalize modern management accountability practices. 

Beverley A. Busson