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Crown Copyright & Licensing

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About Crown Copyright

Permissions / Licenses

Crown copyright protects literary, artistic, dramatic and musical works that have been created under the direction and control of the Government of Canada.

A permission/license is needed when a Government of Canada work is being reproduced, revised, adapted, modified, translated, published, marketed, distributed and/or sold, in any medium, for any purpose or end-use.

Individuals, educational institutions, companies, and governments, both in Canada and internationally send their requests to use Government of Canada copyrighted materials to the Crown Copyright and Licensing office.

Permissions/licenses may be issued for one or more uses, durations and territories. These conditions determine the type of permission/license that is granted. For example, a requestor could be granted a non-exclusive license in one medium (such as CD-ROM), in one province, for one year, and at the same time, a license for the same work could be granted on a non-exclusive basis in printed format, worldwide, in Japanese, for five years.

Types of licenses

Applying for copyright clearance on Government of Canada works

Please contact us for additional information.


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