Latest statistics
  Period of latest data Latest data Change, previous period Change, previous year
Gross domestic product ($ billions, 1997)1 Jul/07 1,120.5 0.2% 2.5%
Leading indicator (1992=100) Oct/07 229.2 0.1% 4.6%
Operating profits of enterprises ($ billions) Q2/07 62.1 -0.7% 2.6%
Capacity utilization rate (%)2 Q2/07 83.0 0.2† -1.6†
Domestic demand
Retail trade ($ billions) Aug/07 34.5 0.7% 4.3%
New motor vehicle sales (thousands of units) Sep/07 140.3 -2.1% 1.2%
Wholesale trade ($ billions) Aug/07 43.2 -2.0% 2.5%
Employment (millions) Oct/07 17.0 0.4% 2.5%
Unemployment rate (%) Oct/07 5.8 -0.1† -0.3†
Participation rate (%) Oct/07 67.6 0.1† 0.5†
Average weekly earnings ($) Aug/07 772.6 0.1% 3.1%
Regular Employment Insurance beneficiaries (thousands) Aug/07 488.6 -7.6% -4.0%
International Trade
Merchandise exports ($ billions) Sep/07 37.7 -2.3% -0.1%
Merchandise imports ($ billions) Sep/07 35.1 2.2% 4.4%
Merchandise trade balance (all figures in $ billions) Sep/07 2.6 -1.6 -1.5
Shipments ($ billions) Sep/07 50.4 -0.9% 1.2%
New orders ($ billions) Sep/07 49.7 -2.5% -0.6%
Unfilled orders ($ billions) Sep/07 54.4 -1.3% 31.3%
Inventory/shipments ratio Sep/07 1.3 0.0† 0.0†
Consumer Price Index (1992=100) Apr/07 132.8 0.4% 2.2%
Industrial Product Price Index (1997=100) Sep/07 113.6 -0.9% 0.1%
Raw Materials Price Index (1997=100) Sep/07 174.6 -0.9% 9.1%
New Housing Price Index (1997=100) Sep/07 155.5 0.3% 6.2%

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