Training services and workshops

Statistical training
Statistical training in Canada
Statistical training for the international community

Statistical training

Statistics Canada develops and delivers courses and workshops that provide quality training on current statistical issues and application of basic statistical methods. Courses and workshops offered in Canada and outside the country ensure fundamental training to participants in many fields, including:

  • survey design and development
  • questionnaire design
  • sampling
  • data analysis
  • interpretation and presentation of data.
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Statistical training in Canada

Our workshops are designed for anyone who is not an expert in statistical methods, but who commissions or conducts surveys, is a data user, or needs to develop his/her ability to assess and interpret survey results. Our workshop participants are generally:

  • users of Statistics Canada data
  • market researchers
  • policy analysts and advisors
  • social scientists and researchers
  • research consultants and managers
  • journalists.

Individual workshops vary in length from 1 to 3 days and are given in major cities across Canada through Statistics Canada's regional offices.

Consult the list of current workshops

For more information on statistical training services in Canada, please contact us.

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Statistical training for the international community

Statistics Canada has extensive experience in preparing and delivering courses and workshops on statistical methods and survey development, design and implementation for international organizations and national statistics agencies around the world.

Special arrangements can be made for on-the-job observation and training programs from Statistics Canada. The Agency's six-week hands-on Survey Skills Development courses may be of particular interest and value to those beginning their careers as statisticians or survey managers.

For more information on our international statistical training services, please contact us.

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