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Website traffic and visitor satisfaction

Each year, Statistics Canada conducts a visitor evaluation survey of its website. The purpose is to ensure that the design and content of the website stay in step with visitors’ changing needs. The following information illustrates the increasing use of the website and provides some key findings from the annual surveys.

Number of website visits and page views

The annual number of visits to the website has risen from approximately 1 million in 1997/1998 to over 16 million in 2005/2006 (an average of nearly 45,000 visits each day).

Over the same period, the total number of pages viewed by visitors has also gone up, from 2.7 million pages in 1997/1998 to over 136 million pages in 2005/2006 (an average of 373,000 per day).

Number of website visits and page views

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Visitor satisfaction with the website

Between 1999 and 2005, 70% or more of visitors to the website have indicated that they were satisfied or very satisfied with it. In 2005, their level of satisfaction reached 77%.

visitor satisfaction with the website

Number of respondents:
1999: 1,682 2001: 2,207 2002: 3,224 2003: 3,467 2004: 6,245 2005: 4,790


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Frequency of visits to the website

In 2005, the percentages of regular and first time visitors were more or less equal, at 29% and 28% respectively. (Regular visitors are defined as those who made 10 or more visits over the six months prior to the survey). Overall, 40% of visitors indicated they had visited the site six or more times.

frequency of visits to the website

Number of respondents:
1999: 1,682 2001: 2,207 2002: 3,224 2003: 3,467 2004: 6,245 2005: 4,790


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Occupations of website visitors

Every year since 1999, students have made up the largest segment of visitors to the website, varying from 27% in 2002 to 43% in 2003 and accounting most recently for 32% of 2005 visitors.

Apart from students, visitors to the website come from a wide spectrum of occupations in all economic sectors.

occupations of website visitors

Number of respondents:
1999: 1,682   2001: 2,207   2002: 3,224   2003: 3,467   2004: 6,245   2005: 4,790

Navigation and search

Note: This page contains several navigation menus. To enhance accessibility, most of these menus and the site search box are grouped in this section.

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