Other standard classifications (List by subject)

Educational Attainment
Educational, Highest Degree, Certificate or Diploma
Number of Years of Education Attended
Number of Years of Education Completed
Number of Years of Other Non-University Education Completed
Number of Years of University Education Completed
School Attendance

Health Problems, Self-Reported
Health Satisfaction, Self-Assessed
Health Status, Self-Assessed

Duration of Extended Absence from Work
Duration of Financial Compensation Received During Absence from Work
Duration of Work Interruption
Hours of Absence from Work (Time Lost)
Main Reason for Absence from Work
Main Reason for Work Interruptions
Sources of Financial Compensation Received During Absence from Work
Work Interruption in the Reference Period

National accounts
Institutional sectors

Population and demography
Aboriginal Ancestry
Aboriginal Identity
Aboriginal, Member of Indian Band or First Nation
Aboriginal, Registered or Treaty Indian
Age at Immigration
Age Categories, Five-Year Age Groups
Age Categories, Life Cycle Groupings
Census Family Marital Structure
Census Family Parental Structure
Census Family Size
Census Family Status
Census Family Type
Citizenship 1996
Citizenship 2001
Common Law Status
Conjugal Status
Crude Birth Rate
Economic Family Size
Economic Family Status
Economic Family Structure
Economic Family Type
Frequency of Attendance at Religious Services or Meetings
Household Maintainer Status
Household Size
Household Status
Language Spoken at Home
Legal Marital Status
Mobility Status, five years
Mobility Status, one year
Mother Tongue
Non-Official Language
Number of Children Ever Born
Official Language
Place of Birth, Canada 1996
Place of Birth, Canada 2001
Place of Birth, Outside Canada 1996
Place of Birth, Outside Canada 2001
Place of Origin, Outside Canada
Religious Denomination
Type of Household
Visible Minority
Year/Period of Immigration

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  5. Important notices
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  7. Date modified