Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada
Last Updated: October 24, 2007 15:55 EDT
Still Valid: November 15, 2007 21:09 EST


Section 1 of this Travel Report has been updated.

For more information on

For more information, see our Current Issues on Avian Influenza.



There is no Official Warning for this country.

registration service for all Canadians travelling or living abroad. This service is provided so that we can contact and assist you in an emergency in a foreign country, such as a natural disaster or civil unrest, or inform you of a family emergency at home. Registration can be done on-line or by contacting a Canadian government office abroad. For more information, see our FAQs on Registration of Canadians Abroad.



The decision to travel is the sole responsibility of the traveller. The traveller is also responsible for his or her own personal safety. The purpose of this Travel Report is to provide Canadians with up-to-date information to enable them to make well-informed decisions.

French authorities have stepped up security as part of a coordinated public security plan, "Vigipirate Renforcé," which includes increased police presence on public transport and in public places, particularly airports, embassies, schools, government installations, and train and metro stations. The law allows police to search vehicles without warrants. Verification of identification and travel documents at airports has been reinforced, even for domestic flights.

Most Canadian visitors to France do not experience problems. However, petty crime against tourists occurs, especially in larger cities, such as Paris, Marseille, and Nice. Mugging, pickpocketing, and purse-snatching occur in major tourist areas, department stores, and in particular on the Paris metro and RER train lines B and C, which serve Charles de Gaulle Airport, Orly Airport, Roissy Airport and Gare du Nord. Purse-snatchers operate both on foot and on motorcycles. Pickpocketing in the airport terminals has also become very frequent. Muggings have occurred at isolated rest stops along motorways. Thefts have been reported in the car rental parking lot at the Nice Airport. Do not show signs of affluence and ensure that personal belongings, passports, and other travel documents are secure.

In Paris, a number of Canadian tourists have been approached on sidewalks, both in broad daylight and at night, in the Pigalle district by nightclub operators, enticing them with offers of free food, drink, and entertainment. Once they entered the premises, they were compelled by force and threats to hand over their credit cards, which were then immediately debited for very large sums of money.

Remain vigilant when travelling on sleeper trains, as thieves often rob sleeping travellers. If your passport or other important documents are stolen, you should file a report with the nearest police station (commissariat).

A certain number of groups, including the National Liberation Front of Corsica (FLNC), continue to operate in France, mainly in Corsica, through sporadic, politically motivated bomb attacks. Foreigners have not been targeted. Visitors should avoid unattended packages, particularly in town centres and near public buildings.

Strikes, student demonstrations, labour disputes and other demonstrations occur frequently and sometimes result in violent confrontations with police. Strikes may occasionally interfere with services, such as mail, telephone, and public transport. Canadians should avoid large gatherings in the streets or on university campuses, as well as demonstrations where violence may occur. They should also monitor local news, follow the advice of local authorities and contact the Embassy of Canada in Paris (see Section 5 below) should they require assistance.



The following information on entry and exit requirements has been confirmed with the French authorities and, to the best of our knowledge, was valid on March 30, 2007. Entry and exit requirements are different for the 

It is the sole prerogative of each country to determine who is allowed to enter. All countries have special requirements for persons intending to reside for extended periods (usually more than 90 days) or who plan to work, study, or engage in non-tourist activities. To obtain information on specific entry requirements, contact the nearest diplomatic or consular office of the country or countries to be visited. Violations of entry and exit requirements may result in serious penalties.

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada’s Office of Protocol provides contact details for the Embassy of France and its consulates, where you can obtain further information on entry and exit requirements.

A valid Canadian passport is required for Canadians intending to visit France. The passport should be valid for at least three months beyond the date of your expected departure from the country.

To stay longer than three months, a "long stay" visa is required before travelling to France. This permit must be obtained from the embassy or a consulate of France in Canada prior to departure.

Holders of long-term visas must apply for temporary residency permits as soon as possible, preferably within eight days of their arrival in France.

Foreign nationals entering France to study or to engage in a professional activity on a temporary basis must hold temporary residency permits.

Tourist Visa: Not required
Long-Stay or Residency Visa: Required
Student Visa: Required

Schengen Area

The member states of the European Union (EU) (not including the United Kingdom and Ireland) along with Norway and Iceland make up the Schengen Area, which aims for common rules regarding visas, asylum rights and controls at the external borders.

In the Schengen Area, Canadian travellers do not need visas for short-term visits (up to 90 days), but some countries require you to register with local authorities within three working days of your arrival. It is important to get your passport stamped when entering the Schengen Area. The absence of an entry stamp from the initial Schengen port of entry could create difficulties during subsequent encounters with local police or other authorities. It is important to confirm the up-to-date entry requirements with each embassy and/or high commission of your destination(s) before departure.

Countries that have implemented the Schengen Agreement – border controls abolished and one single external frontier
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Sweden, Portugal, Spain, along with Norway and Iceland

Countries that are not yet fully part of the Schengen Agreement – visa requirements were adjusted to comply with the EU’s common visa policy, but controls are still in place at the borders as the EU's external frontiers do not include them yet
Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia.

Note: Although Switzerland signed an association agreement to become part of the Schengen Area in 2004, the principles don’t apply yet. Implementation is expected in 2008.

Countries that are not part of the Schengen Area, but might have special arrangements with neighbouring countries
Andorra, Holy See, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, and the United Kingdom.

A Certificate of Canadian Citizenship (CCC) is not a travel document. Airlines are known to refuse boarding to dual national Canadian passengers returning to Canada, travelling on a passport that requires a visa to enter Canada, regardless of whether the passenger presents a valid CCC as proof of Canadian citizenship. A Canadian passport is the only reliable and universally accepted travel and identification document for the purpose of international travel. It proves your admissibility to enter Canada.

Selling, altering, or allowing another person to use your passport is a criminal offence. It could lead to the laying of charges and imprisonment if convicted. It could also lead to the denial of future passport services.

Special and diplomatic passport holders should verify visa requirements for this and other countries, as they may differ from those that apply to regular passport holders.

A new EU legislation on the amount of cash that can be carried has been implemented on June 15, 2007. Canadians crossing one of the external border control points of the EU will have to make a declaration to customs upon entry or exit if they have at least 10,000 euros, or the equivalent in other currencies, in cash, cheques, money orders, traveller's cheques, or any other convertible assets in their possession. Failure to report such a sum will be considered an offence. This does not apply to Canadians travelling within the EU or in transit to a non-EU country. The purpose of this legislation is to prevent illegal activities, such as money laundering. For more information on the new EU legislation and links to EU countries' sites, consult

Any adult travelling with children may be required to show evidence of parental/custodial and/or access rights. Foreign and Canadian authorities may also require evidence that the adult has the consent of the parents, legal guardian, and/or the court to travel with the children. Some countries may not permit children to enter or, in some cases, leave the country without proper documentation such as a letter of consent or a court order.

Although same-sex marriages are legal in Canada, many countries do not recognize them. Attempting to enter as a same-sex married couple may result in refusal by local officials. For more information, contact the foreign government office accredited to Canada.



You can obtain consular assistance and further consular information at the following addresses:

France - PARIS, Embassy of Canada
Address: 35, avenue Montaigne, 75008 Paris, France
Tel.: 33 (1) 44-43-29-00
Emergency toll-free to Ottawa: 00-800-2326-6831
Fax: 33 (1) 44-43-29-86

Emergency consular services can be obtained from the following consulates (please call before going to one of the consulates):

France - LILLE, Consulate of Canada
Address: 30, avenue Émile Zola, 59800 Lille, France
Tel.: 33 (3) 20-14-05-78
Emergency toll-free to Ottawa: 00-800-2326-6831
Fax: 33 (3) 20-14-36-96

Office hours are from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

France - LYON, Consulate of Canada
Address: rue Bourgelat, 69002 Lyon, France
Tel.: 33 (4) 72-77-64-07
Fax: 33 (4) 72-77-65-09

France - NICE, Consulate of Canada
Address: 10, rue Lamartine, 06000 Nice, France
Tel.: 33 (4) 93-92-93-22
Emergency toll-free to Ottawa: 00-800-2326-6831
Fax: 33 (4) 93-92-55-51

Office hours are from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

France - TOULOUSE, Consulate of Canada
Address: 10, rue Jules de Resseguier, 31000 Toulouse, France
Tel.: 33 (5) 61-52-19-06
Emergency toll-free to Ottawa: 00-800-2326-6831
Fax: 33 (5) 61-55-40-32

Office hours are from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.



You are subject to local laws. A serious violation may lead to a jail sentence. The sentence will be served in local prisons. However, Canada and France are signatories to the European Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons, which enables a Canadian imprisoned in France to request to be transferred to Canada to complete the sentence in a Canadian prison. The transfer requires the agreement of both Canadian and French authorities.

Canadians arrested or detained have the right to contact the responsible Canadian government office (embassy, high commission, etc.) listed in Section 5 above. Arresting officials have a responsibility to assist you in doing so. Canadian consular officials can provide a list of local lawyers upon request.

The procedures required in legal proceedings or police investigations may be different from the procedures in force in the Canadian legal system. Canadians wishing to undertake such proceedings can expect to face long delays and additional efforts in order to resolve their case. The Government of Canada cannot intervene in ongoing legal proceedings in other countries, unless requested to do so by local authorities. Such requests are rare.

Under French law you are required to carry your passport at all times.

The French Government introduced severe penalties for traffic violations, including a prison sentence of up to 10 years and a fine of 150,000 euros for causing death while above the legal alcohol limit as well as a sentence of up to seven years and a fine of 100,000 euros for causing death by dangerous driving. Speed limits and other driving regulations may be strictly enforced through heavy, on-the-spot fines and the confiscation of a driver's licence.

Although France recognizes dual nationality, dual nationals are considered French citizens and are subject to French laws.



Drive defensively and obey traffic regulations. Roads in France are well maintained and excessive speeding may pose a threat. Many intersections are being replaced by traffic circles.

French authorities have installed numerous roadside cameras to help enforce traffic regulations. Fines for breaching these regulations are severe. Remain vigilant when renting automobiles, as there is a high frequency of vehicle break-ins.

Drivers are often tricked into stopping their cars by thieves who either obstruct the road or distract the driver (e.g., by flashing their headlights). There has been a significant increase in thefts from cars by thieves travelling on scooters. Be especially vigilant when stopped at traffic lights, as bags are often snatched from the front passenger seat. Keep windows closed and doors locked at all times. Theft of parked cars and/or their contents are particularly common on beach roads in Corsica. There are also reports of theft from vehicles parked at Normandy beaches and war cemeteries. Never leave personal belongings unattended in a vehicle and use secure parking facilities, especially overnight.

Major French cities have extensive and efficient public transportation systems and are served by a comprehensive network of inter-city rail services.

An International Driving Permit (IDP) is recommended.

The currency is the euro (EUR). Credit cards and traveller's cheques are widely accepted. Visitors should carry only a minimum amount of cash. ATMs are widely available.

Check with your bank for information on Automated Banking Machine (ABM) services in other countries. You can also check the VISA ATM locator page or the MasterCard ATM locator page for the addresses of ABMs around the world. Your bank can advise if you need a new personal identification number (PIN) for overseas access to your account. Credit cards and debit cards should be used with caution due to the potential for fraud and other criminal activity. ABMs should be used during business hours inside a bank, supermarket, or large commercial building. Leave copies of your card numbers with a family member in case of emergency.



Extreme weather events have become more frequent in recent years, resulting in widespread flooding and power outages. Forest fires often occur along the Mediterranean coast in the summer months.

Avalanches present a risk and have resulted in fatalities. If you are planning a mountaineering or skiing holiday, you are advised to visit the website of the
National Association for the Study of Snow and Avalanches for information on weather and safety conditions. Advice should be followed carefully. Canadians should know the address and telephone number of the Embassy of Canada in Paris (see Section 5 above) in the event of an emergency.



Public Health Agency of Canada and the World Health Organization (WHO) report on disease outbreaks that occur throughout the world. For the latest travel health advisories and related information, visit the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Travel Medicine Program Web site.

The Public Health Agency of Canada continues to closely monitor and report on occurrences of avian influenza A (H5N1), or "bird flu", in humans and in birds. Further information on avian influenza A (H5N1) and recommendations for travellers can be found on the Public Health Agency of Canada's Travel Medicine Web site as well as on the World Health Organization's Web site. For more information, see our Current Issues on Avian Influenza.

The Public Health Agency of Canada strongly recommends that your travel plans include contacting a travel medicine clinic or physician six to eight weeks before departure. Based on your individual risk assessment, a health care professional can determine your need for immunizations and/or preventive medication and advise you on precautions to avoid disease. Travellers are reminded to ensure that their routine (childhood) immunizations (e.g., tetanus, diphtheria, polio, and measles) are up to date.

Standards of medical care may differ from those in Canada. Treatment may be expensive, and payment in advance may be required. Travellers are advised to arrange for medical insurance prior to departure. Prescription medications should be kept in the original container and packed in carry-on luggage.

The Public Health Agency of Canada also recommends that travellers who become sick or feel unwell on their return to Canada seek a medical assessment with their personal physician. Travellers should inform their physician that they have been travelling or living outside of Canada.



Good medical care is widely available.



Returning to Canada

Traveller's Checklist

Health and Travel Insurance: Do not rely on your provincial health plan to cover all expenses if you get sick or are injured while abroad. It may cover nothing or only a portion of the costs. Understand the terms of your supplementary insurance policy. Some credit cards offer their holders health and travel insurance. Do not assume the card alone provides adequate coverage. Carry details of your insurance with you. Also, tell your travel agent, a friend or relative, and/or travelling companion how to contact your insurer. Get a detailed invoice from the doctor or hospital before you return to Canada. Always submit original receipts for any medical services or prescriptions received abroad. Most insurance companies will not accept copies or faxes. See Canada's Health Portal.

Cancelling a scheduled trip abroad could cost you money. Before cancelling a scheduled trip, you should discuss the matter with your travel agent, your travel insurer, or the airline. The decision to travel is the sole responsibility of the traveller.

Adoption: Provincial and territorial authorities in Canada are responsible for authorizing international adoptions. If you are thinking of adopting a child from another country, you must first obtain information about the adoption regulations of the province or territory in which the child will reside. While adoption is a provincial/territorial responsibility, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) is responsible for allowing an adopted child entry into Canada. Entry can be refused if the child does not hold the appropriate immigrant visa. A visa may be denied, even if the adoption has already been completed. For more information contact CIC at 1 888 242-2100 (in Canada only), check the CIC Web site or contact your provincial or territorial government.




Demonstrations, protests, marches, and strikes, some violent, may occur at any time in the capital, throughout the country and on main highways. Local transportation services can be disrupted. Roadblocks may occur on main roads at any time and often cause traffic disruptions. Canadians should not attempt to cross blockades, even if they appear unattended. Curfews may also be in effect.

Because of the unpredictable nature of these demonstrations and the potential for violence, Canadians in or travelling to French Guiana should exercise caution, avoid large gatherings and demonstrations, and monitor local news reports.

Petty crime occurs, particularly in urban areas. Ensure personal belongings, passports and other travel documents are secure at all times. Do not leave valuables unattended in vehicles. Motorcycle theft is common.

A valid Canadian passport is required for Canadians intending to visit French Guiana. The passport must be valid for at least the expected duration of your stay in the country. Proof of yellow fever immunization is required for those arriving from infected areas.

Tourist Visa: Not required (for stays up to 90 days)
Business Visa: Not required (for stays up to 90 days)
Student Visa: Not required (for stays up to 90 days)

There is an airport departure tax of 5.40 euros.

There is no resident Canadian government office in French Guiana. You can obtain consular assistance and further information at the following address:

France - PARIS, Embassy of Canada
Address: 35, avenue Montaigne, 75008 Paris, France
Tel.: 33 (1) 44-43-29-00
Emergency toll-free to Ottawa: 00-800-2326-6831
Fax: 33 (1) 44-43-29-86

For emergency assistance after hours, call the Embassy of Canada in Paris, France, and follow the instructions. You may also make a collect call to the Department in Ottawa at 613-996-8885.

Although France recognizes dual nationality, dual nationals are considered French citizens and are subject to French laws. Penalties for the possession, use, or sale of illegal drugs can be severe.

Major roads are paved and well maintained. Emergency call boxes can be found alongside main highways, but few are functional due to vandalism. Drivers should carry a cellular phone. Coverage is available in the Cayenne-Kourou area. Local cellular phone coverage is also available in Sinnamary, Mana, and St-Laurent. Driving after dark can be dangerous, especially in the remote interior regions or on less developed rural roads.

Public taxis and vans are relatively safe. Rental cars and motorcycles are available in Cayenne, Kourou, and St-Laurent. A Canadian driver's licence is required to drive a four-wheeled vehicle. Canadian tourists can drive for a period of three months with their provincial driver's license. An International Driving Permit (IDP) is recommended.

The currency is the euro (EUR).

The rainy season occurs from January to June. Flooding can occur during this period. Travellers should keep informed of regional weather forecasts and plan accordingly.

Medical care is limited. In case of emergencies dial 15. Hospital facilities are available only in major centres.



There are no serious safety and security concerns. Exercise normal safety precautions and ensure personal belongings and passports are secure. Petty crime such as pickpocketing and purse snatching occurs. Canadians should avoid demonstrations and other large gatherings.

A valid Canadian passport is required for Canadians intending to visit French Polynesia. The passport must be valid for at least six months beyond the date of your expected departure from the country. Canadians must also be in possession of an onward or return ticket.

Tourist Visa: Required (for stays over 30 days)

You can obtain consular assistance and further information at the following addresses:

French Polynesia - Papeete (Tahiti), Consulate of Australia
Address: C/ Mobil Central Office, Papeava Port Zone, Papeete (Tahiti)
Tel.: 689 468 853
Fax: 689 241 833

New Zealand - WELLINGTON, High Commission of Canada
Address: 125 The Terrace, Wellington, New Zealand
Postal Address: P.O. Box 8047, Wellington, New Zealand,
Tel.: 64 (4) 473-9577
Fax: 64 (4) 471-2082

For emergency assistance after hours, call the High Commission of Canada in Wellington, New Zealand, and follow the instructions. You may also make a collect call to the Department in Ottawa at 613-996-8885.

Roads are narrow. Many secondary roads are not paved. Drivers and pedestrians should exercise caution, particularly after dark. An International Driving Permit (IDP) is required.

The currency is the Comptoirs français du Pacifique franc. Traveller's cheques and currency can be exchanged at the airport and major banks. Most credit cards are widely accepted. There are a few ATMs.

French Polynesia is located in an active seismic zone. Canadians should know the address and telephone number of the High Commission of Canada in Wellington, New Zealand (see above), in the event of an emergency.

The cyclone season extends from November to April. Heavy rains may cause flooding.  Typhoons can also occur. Travellers should keep informed of regional weather forecasts and plan accordingly.

Medical facilities are good on the major islands, but limited in remote or less populated areas. Medical evacuation to Tahiti is necessary for serious illness cases.



The hurricane season extends from June 1st to November 30th. For more information, please see our Current Issues on the hurricane season.

OFFICIAL REGISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: We offer a registration service for all Canadians travelling or living abroad. This service is provided so that we can contact and assist you in an emergency in a foreign country, such as a natural disaster or civil unrest, or inform you of a family emergency at home. Registration can be done on-line or by contacting a Canadian government office abroad. For more information, see our FAQs on Registration of Canadians Abroad.

Petty crime occurs. You should avoid unpatrolled beaches and unpopulated areas after dark. Check with local authorities to determine which beaches are safe. Ensure personal valuables are secure at all times. Strikes may occasionally interfere with services.

A valid Canadian passport is required for Canadians intending to visit Guadeloupe. The passport must be valid for at least three months beyond the date of your expected departure from the country.

Visitors must apply for a visa if their stay is longer than three months. All travellers must also be in possession of an onward or return ticket. Travellers are required to carry evidence of a yellow fever vaccination if they are arriving in Guadeloupe from infected areas.

Tourist Visa: Not Required (for a stay less than three months
Business Visa: Required
Student Visa: Required

If planning to marry in Guadeloupe, ensure you meet all requirements before leaving Canada. Most countries require you to produce a certificate stating that there are no Canadian impediments to your marriage. You should arrange to obtain the certificate in Canada before your departure.

There is no resident Canadian government office in Guadeloupe. Canadians can obtain consular assistance and further information from the High Commission of Canada in Bridgetown, Barbados:

Barbados - BRIDGETOWN, High Commission of Canada
Address: Bishop's Court Hill, St. Michael, PO Box. 404, Bridgetown, Barbados BB11000
Tel.: (246) 429-3550
Emergency toll-free to Ottawa: 1-888-949-9993
Fax: (246) 437-7436

For emergency assistance after hours, call the High Commission of Canada in Bridgetown, Barbados, and follow the instructions. You may also make a collect call to the Department in Ottawa at 613-996-8885.

French customs authorities may enforce strict regulations concerning temporary importation into or export from the French West Indies of items such as firearms, medications, and animals. You should contact the Embassy of France in Ottawa or a French consulate (see above) for specific information regarding customs requirements.

Canadians interested in purchasing property or making other investments should seek legal advice from appropriate professionals in Canada and in this country before making commitments. Disputes arising from such activities could be prolonged and costly to resolve.

Although France recognizes dual nationality, dual nationals are considered French citizens and are subject to French laws.

Penalties for possession, use, or trafficking of illegal drugs are strict, and convicted offenders can expect jail sentences and heavy fines.

Roads in Guadeloupe are among the best in the Caribbean. The island has six-lane highways. Roads are paved and maintained, and traffic safety is enforced by the police. The use of seatbelts is mandatory. Children under 12 are not legally allowed in the front seat.

Bus services are available in most major towns. Buses are inexpensive but operate only during certain hours. Schedules are unreliable. Ferry services provide transportation to associated islands. Taxis are safe but expensive. Fares are regulated by the government but increase 40 percent between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m. Rented vehicles are available. Fees may be slightly higher compared with nearby islands. An International Driving Permit (IDP) is recommended.

The currency is the euro (EUR).

Good-quality medical services are available. Not all doctors speak or understand English. Payment in advance is often expected. Hyperbaric chambers are available at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire in Abymes.



The hurricane season extends from June 1st to November 30th. For more information, please see our Current Issues on the hurricane season.

OFFICIAL REGISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: We offer a registration service for all Canadians travelling or living abroad. This service is provided so that we can contact and assist you in an emergency in a foreign country, such as a natural disaster or civil unrest, or inform you of a family emergency at home. Registration can be done on-line or by contacting a Canadian government office abroad. For more information, see our FAQs on Registration of Canadians Abroad.

Petty crime occurs. Ensure personal belongings and travel documents are secure at all times. Avoid unpatrolled beaches and unpopulated areas after dark. Check with local authorities to determine which beaches are safe.

A valid Canadian passport is required for Canadians intending to visit Martinique. The passport must be valid for at least three months beyond the date of your departure.

Visitors must apply for a visa if their stay is longer than three months. All travellers must also be in possession of an onward or return ticket.

Tourist Visa: Not Required
Business Visa: Required
Student Visa: Required

If planning to marry in Martinique, ensure you meet all requirements before leaving Canada. Most countries require you to produce a certificate stating that there are no Canadian impediments to your marriage. You should arrange to obtain the certificate in Canada before your departure.

There is no resident Canadian government office in Martinique. Canadians can obtain consular assistance and further information from the High Commission of Canada in Bridgetown, Barbados:

Barbados - BRIDGETOWN, High Commission of Canada
Address: Bishop's Court Hill, St. Michael, PO Box. 404, Bridgetown, Barbados BB11000
Tel.: (246) 429-3550
Emergency toll-free to Ottawa: 1-888-949-9993
Fax: (246) 437-7436

For emergency assistance after hours, call the High Commission of Canada in Bridgetown, Barbados, and follow the instructions. You may also make a collect call to the Department in Ottawa at 613-996-8885.

French customs authorities may enforce strict regulations concerning temporary importation into or export from the French West Indies of items such as firearms, medications, and animals. It is advisable to contact the Embassy of France in Ottawa or a French consulate for specific information regarding customs requirements.

Canadians interested in purchasing property or making other investments should seek legal advice from appropriate professionals in Canada and in the Caribbean before making commitments. Disputes arising from such activities could be prolonged and costly to resolve.

Roads are paved and well maintained. Traffic safety is enforced by police. Night driving can be dangerous, especially in the mountains and on winding rural roads. Drive defensively at all times. Public transportation by van and taxi is relatively safe. An International Driving Permit (IDP) is recommended.

The currency is the euro (EUR).

Medical care is available throughout the French West Indies. Martinique has the best medical care in the eastern Caribbean. Not all doctors speak or understand English. Payment in advance is often expected.

As in many other areas of the Caribbean and Latin America, travellers are advised to take appropriate precautions to protect themselves against water-borne and mosquito-borne diseases by using mosquito repellent (DEET), and avoiding swampy or low lying areas where mosquitoes are more prevalent. Using physical barriers such as mosquito nets and long sleeved shirts is also recommended.



There are no serious safety or security concerns for visitors to New Caledonia. Exercise normal safety precautions and ensure personal belongings, passports, and other travel documents are secure. Petty crime is prevalent. In the event of an emergency, dial 17 for the police and 15 for an ambulance.

Demonstrations and public protests, which may turn violent, should be avoided. Roadblocks and marches may occur on main roads at any time and with little or no notice.

A valid Canadian passport is required for Canadians intending to visit New Caledonia. Canadians must also be in possession of an onward or return ticket.

Tourist Visa: Not required (for stays up to 30 days)
Business Visa: Required
Student Visa: Required

There is no resident Canadian government office in New Caledonia. Canadians in New Caledonia can obtain consular assistance and further information from the Australian Consulate General in Noumea (under the Canada-Australia Consular Services Sharing Agreement) at the following address:

New Caledonia - NOUMEA, Australian Consulate General
Address: Immeuble Foch, 7th Floor, 19 Avenue du Maréchal Foch, NoumeaTel.: 687 272-414 Fax: 687 278-001
Tel.: 687 272-414
Fax: 687 278-001

The High Commission of Canada in Canberra, Australia, has consular responsibility for New Caledonia. The address is as follows:

Australia - CANBERRA, High Commission of Canada
Address: Commonwealth Avenue, Canberra ACT, Australia 2600
Tel.: 61 (2) 6270-4000
Emergency toll-free to Ottawa: 0011-800-2326-6831
Fax: 61 (2) 6270-4081

For emergency assistance after hours, call the High Commission of Canada in Canberra, Australia, and follow the instructions. You may also make a collect call to the Department in Ottawa at 613-996-8885.

All main roads on Grande Terre are paved. Buses connect all major towns and villages. There is a ferry service between Noumea and other islands.

The currency is the Comptoirs français du Pacifique franc. Credit cards are accepted. Most banks have ATMs. Currency and traveller's cheques can be exchanged at major banks or in most hotels.

The cyclone season extends from November to April. Travellers should keep informed of regional weather forecasts and plan accordingly.

Medical facilities are generally good on the main island, but limited on the other islands. There is one decompression chamber in Noumea.



The hurricane season extends from June 1st to November 30th. For more information, please see our Current Issues on the hurricane season.

OFFICIAL REGISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: We offer a registration service for all Canadians travelling or living abroad. This service is provided so that we can contact and assist you in an emergency in a foreign country, such as a natural disaster or civil unrest, or inform you of a family emergency at home. Registration can be done on-line or by contacting a Canadian government office abroad. For more information, see our FAQs on Registration of Canadians Abroad.

Petty crime occurs. Ensure personal belongings, passports and other travel documents are secure at all times. Avoid unpopulated areas and unpatrolled beaches after dark. Check with local authorities to determine which beaches are safe.

A valid Canadian passport should be carried for all visits outside Canada. Canadians travelling to Saint Martin are required to be in possession of a valid passport or a certified birth certificate along with a photo identification. Proof of a valid return or onward ticket is required.

Tourist Visa: Not required
Business Visa: Not required
Student Visa: Required 

A departure tax of US$20 is charged for all international departures from Juliana Airport (Sint Maarten) and by sea. There are no depature taxes from Espérance Airport.

There is no resident Canadian government office in Saint Martin. Canadians can obtain consular assistance and further information from the Consulate of Canada in Dawn Beach (Sint Maarten):

Sint Maarten - DAWN BEACH, Consulate of Canada
Address: 11A Green Star Shell Road, Dawn Beach, Sint Maarten
Tel.: (599) 543-6261
After hours tel.: (599) 520-5202
Fax: (599) 543-6291

The High Commission of Canada in Bridgetown, Barbados, has consular responsibility for Saint Martin.

Barbados - BRIDGETOWN, High Commission of Canada
Address: Bishop's Court Hill, St. Michael, PO Box. 404, Bridgetown, Barbados BB11000
Tel.: (246) 429-3550
Emergency toll-free to Ottawa: 1-888-949-9993
Fax: (246) 437-7436

For emergency assistance after hours, call the Consulate of Canada in Dawn Beach, Sint Maarten, and follow the instructions. You may also make a collect call to the Department in Ottawa at 613-996-8885.

Canadians interested in purchasing property or making other investments should seek legal advice from appropriate professionals in Canada and in the Caribbean before making commitments. Disputes arising from such activities could be prolonged and costly to resolve.

A valid Canadian driver's license is sufficient for driving in Saint Martin. Right-hand turns on red lights are prohibited. Particular care should be taken when renting vehicles, especially when arranging for insurance and liability. Ask questions and obtain detailed written information regarding your personal responsibilities before finalizing any rental arrangements. Taxis are plentiful and are a convenient way to get around during short stays. Juliana Airport, the international airport serving both sides of the island, is located in Sint Maarten (Dutch side).

The currency in Saint Martin is the euro (EUR).

Good-quality medical services are available. Two hospitals are found on the island, one in Saint Martin and one in Sint Maarten. Not all doctors speak or understand English. Payment in advance is often expected.



Most Canadian visitors to Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon do not experience problems. There are no serious safety and security concerns. Exercise normal safety precautions and ensure personal belongings and passports are secure.

A valid Canadian passport should be carried for all visits outside Canada. However, Canadians are only required to be in possession of valid official photo identification (such as a driver's licence) and proof of citizenship (such as a birth certificate) for travel to Saint-Pierre et Miquelon.

Since January 23, 2007, all Canadian citizens transiting the United States when travelling to and from Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon by air must comply with entry requirements to the U.S. For more information, please see our Current Issues page.

Tourist Visa: Not required
Working Visa: Required
Student Visa: Required

Limited consular services are available from the Consulate of Canada in Saint-Pierre at the following address:

France - SAINT-PIERRE-ET-MIQUELON, Consulate of Canada
Address: 16, rue Jacques Debon, 97500, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, France
Postal Address: P.O. Box 4370, Saint-Pierre,
Tel.: 508 41-55-10
Emergency toll-free to Ottawa: 00-800-2326-6831
Fax: 508 41-55-10

Office hours are from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., or by appointment in the morning.

Consular services can also be obtained from the Embassy of Canada in Paris at the following address:

France - PARIS, Embassy of Canada
Address: 35, avenue Montaigne, 75008 Paris, France
Tel.: 33 (1) 44-43-29-00
Emergency toll-free to Ottawa: 00-800-2326-6831
Fax: 33 (1) 44-43-29-86

For emergency assistance after hours, call the Embassy of Canada in Paris and follow the instructions. You may also make a collect call to the Department in Ottawa at 613-996-8885.

The currency is the euro (EUR).

Dense fog may pose a nautical hazard year round.