
The Integrated Land Management Bureau (ILMB) was established in 2005 to provide improved access to Crown natural resources and government-held natural resource information within the Province of British Columbia.

ILMB provides a range of services to the public, businesses, and government. Working on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands and other provincial ministries and agencies, ILMB assists a range of clients outside of and within the provincial government by:

  • coordinating applications for access to Crown resources (tenures, permits, licenses, Crown grants, etc.) through regional FrontCounter BC offices;
  • administrating Crown land through tenures, permits, and sales;
  • developing, implementing and revising land use plans;
  • managing and delivering natural resource sector information; and
  • prioritizing and coordinating recovery planning for broad-ranging species-at-risk.

ILMB also provides leadership and coordination on behalf of government concerning the sustainable use and management of natural resources in British Columbia.