Landsat 7 Orthorectified Imagery over Canada


Landsat 7 orthoimages comprise one of the two components of the GeoBase Data Alignment Layer (GDAL), along with the Control Points for Landsat Imagery. Landsat 7 orthoimages are stored as raster data and comprise 9 spectral bands:

  • 1 panchromatic band with a pixel size of 15 m,
  • 6 multispectral bands with a pixel size of 30 m, and
  • 2 thermal infrared bands with a ground resolution of 60 m.

They have been produced in accordance with NAD83 (North American Datum of 1983) using the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection.

The best sources of control data currently available in Canada were used to generate the orthoimages. A number of control sources were used to correct the Landsat 7 images, namely provincial vector data, roads resulting from the global positioning system (GPS), data from the National Topographic Data Base (NTBD), and geometrically corrected aerial photography (orthophotos).

The objective of GeoBase is to produce a complete set of cloud-free (less than 10%) orthoimages covering the Canadian landmass using Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) data from the Landsat 7 satellite. Production, which began in the fall of 2000, will span a period of three to five years.

For more information on Satellite Imagery, visit Natural Resources Canada, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing website.


For more details on Landsat 7 orthoimages standards and specifications, see Landsat 7 Orthorectified Imagery over Canada, Product Specifications [pdf 109 KB].


For a complete description of collection metadata, see the Landsat 7 Orthorectified Imagery over Canada, Collection Metadata.

Use and Restrictions

All distributed Landsat 7 orthoimages should be accessed and used relatively to the GeoBase Unrestricted Use Licence Agreement.

Data Discrepancies

This product is subject to Discrepancies processing provided by the Centre for Topographic Information from Natural Resources Canada. A discrepancy is defined as any deviation from the product's Standards and Specifications. To explore the status of discrepencies related to National Road Network datasets, see the Discrepancies Web Site from the Centre for topographic Information.

Data Format

Landsat 7 orthoimages are available in GeoTiff, PIX and BSQ.

Free Data Viewer

As a service to GeoBase users we are providing links to some free viewers. However, GeoBase does not endorse and does not provide any kind of support for any of these viewers.