Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
News Release

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Fish Harvester Fined $2000 and 20 Day Suspension for Lobster Violations

October 22, 2007

GANDER, NL – Ray Cuff of Musgrave Harbour was convicted of having untagged and unmarked lobster pots.

Mr. Cuff was fined $1,500.00 and given a suspension from fishing lobster for the first 20 days of the 2008 season for having untagged lobster pots on September 4, 2007 in Gander Provincial Court. The twelve lobster pots were forfeited to the Crown. Mr. Cuff was also fined $500.00 for having unmarked lobster pots, as he did not have his commercial fishing vessel number on the pots.

While conducting a stakeout using video surveillance, fishery officers from the Twillingate Detachment apprehended Mr. Cuff on June 25, 2007. Ray Cuff was convicted of committing the same offence during the 2006 fishery.




Sam Whiffen
Communications Officer
Fisheries and Oceans Canada



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    Last updated: 2007-10-23

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