Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
News Release

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Anglers Fines $1,000 for Salmon Violation

October 31, 2007

CORNER BROOK, NL - Mr. Steadman Reid of Reidville was convicted of fishing in scheduled salmon waters during a closed time. He was fined $1,000 and prohibited from inland waters and from purchasing or obtaining any fishing licence for two years. He forfeited four ice fishing lines, seven trout and one ice auger to the Crown. He was also convicted of ice fishing with more than three lines and fined $500.

On February 9, 2007, a provincial conservation officer conducted a snowmobile patrol in the area of Junction Brook, a tributary of the Humber River system. The officer observed Mr. Reid ice fishing at Junction Brook with more than three fishing lines. Mr. Reid was subsequently charged for fishing in scheduled salmon waters during a closed time and for ice fishing with more than three lines.

Mr. James Moss of Nicholsville was convicted of fishing in scheduled salmon waters during a closed time and fined $500. Mr. Moss was also convicted of possession of smelt that was caught in contravention of the Newfoundland and Labrador Fishery Regulations. He was fined $300 and forfeited 73 smelt to the Crown.

On January 23, 2007, a fishery officer from the Rocky Harbour Detachment conducted a vehicle patrol in the area of the Humber River system near Nicholsville. During this patrol, the officer observed Mr. Moss ice fishing on the Humber River.

Mr. Steadman Reid and Mr. James Moss were convicted on September 6, 2007 in Corner Brook Provincial Court.

St. Anthony

Mr. Peter E. Richards of St. John’s was convicted of sealing during a closed time. He was fined $500 and two seals were forfeited to the Crown.

On March 22, 2007, Mr. Richards, as well as two other individuals, was apprehended by fishery officers from the St. Anthony Detachment near North Boat Harbour. The fishery officers conducted a patrol of the area by Canadian Coast Guard helicopter, because of reports of illegal seal fishing along the shoreline of the Straits area.

Harrison Richards and Bradley Richards of St. Carol’s were convicted of hunting seals using illegal ammunition. Both individuals were fined $500 each and forfeited two harp seals, one shotgun, camo case and 14 shot shells to the Crown.

On May 3, 2007, fishery officers, while on a routine patrol from the St. Anthony Detachment, apprehended Harrison Richards and Bradley Richards at the wharf in the community of St. Carol’s, as they were returning from sealing in their small boat. The seized seals were examined and it was determined they contained shot which is prohibited for the harvesting of seals.

Mr. Pearce Tucker and Mr. Melvin Roberts, both of Ship Cove, were convicted of hunting seal during a closed time. Mr. Tucker was fined $600 and forfeited one hakapik, one harp seal pelt, two round harp seals and one tow hook with line attached to the Crown. Mr. Roberts was fined $500 and one hakapik, two round harp seals and one tow hook with line attached was forfeited to the Crown.

Mr. Frank Tucker of Raleigh was convicted of approaching within 0.5 nautical miles of a seal harvester on the ice and fined $250.

On March 23, 2007, fishery officers conducting a routine seal patrol by Canadian Coast Guard helicopter, observed three individuals outside Ship Cove hunting seals during a closed time.

Pearce Tucker and Melvin Roberts admitted to the officers they were hunting seals and were in possession of the seized items. Mr. Frank Tucker, who was present, but not involved in the harvest, was charged under section 33(1) Marine Mammals Regulations, which states no one shall approach within 0.5 nautical miles of a seal harvester on the ice.

These six fish harvesters were convicted on September 10, 2007 in St. Anthony Provincial Court.




Sam Whiffen
Communications Officer
Fisheries and Oceans Canada



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    Last updated: 2007-11-01

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